The following steps create this issue: 1. Use html 4 2. Use telerik AJAX (For consistency) 3. Set a radgrid with some columns that reach beyond the extent of its element (such that it requires horizontal scrolling). Use at least four columns. One being the GridClientSelectColumn. 4. Have the following settings: Control Settings: AllowPaging=true,AllowSorting=true,AllowFiltering=true,AllowFilteringByColumn=true,AllowMultiRowSelection=true Control Events Used: NeedDataSource,OnItemDataBound Client Settings: EnablePostBackOnRowClick=false,Resizing AllowColumnResize=true, Selecting AllowRowSelect=true,UseClientSelectColumnOnly=false,Scrolling,AutoGenerateColumns=false,AllowScroll=true,UseStaticHeaders=true Important note: Retain data on the server, rebind, and, on item databound, select the previously selected rows. Set up a button to perform some action on the selected rows and have this action use AJAX such that this action depends on the currently selected rows in the RadGrid. 5. Scroll away from the selection checkboxes 6. Select some rows in your RadGrid 7. Perform your action with AJAX If all was set up correctly, your grid should have been rebound with the previously selected rows re-selected. The RadGrid should still be scrolled to its previous position. 8. Perform your action with AJAX again. Here's the bug, the grid states that it has no selected items; however, the client shows that there are items selected in the UI. This may be related to "RadGrid's last selected item index is not persisted correctly when two or more postbacks are triggered from external controls."
Hi, I am adding items to radgrid using cleint side javascript using updateGrid function. My grid structure is DIV -> Table -> Radgrid. I am adding rows dynamically based on the values added from the external fields. I want the grid scroll bar at the last row position. I have already tried all settings suggested from telerik site but was no success. Below are the settings added which did not worked out: <ClientEvents OnRowSelected="rowSelected" OnRowCreated="OnRowCreated" OnRowCreating="OnRowCreating" /> <Scrolling AllowScroll="True" EnableVirtualScrollPaging="True" UseStaticHeaders="false" SaveScrollPosition="true" /> Please help. Regards.
Design-time error when SelectMethod property added. aspx <telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" GridLines="None" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" PageSize="10" AllowMultiRowEdit="False" ItemType="ContosoUniversity.Models.Student" DataKeyNames="StudentID" SelectMethod="GetStudentData" > </telerik:RadGrid> code-behind: public IQueryable<Student> GetStudentData([Control] AcademicYear? displayYear) { ..... ERROR: RadGrid - RadGrid1System.ArgumentException: source is not IEnumerable<> at System.Linq.Queryable.AsQueryable(IEnumerable source) at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.CreateChildControls(IEnumerable dataSource, Boolean useDataSource) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeDataBoundControl.PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable data) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.OnDataSourceViewSelectCallback(IEnumerable data) at System.Web.UI.DataSourceView.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, DataSourceViewSelectCallback callback) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.PerformSelect() at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.PerformSelect() at Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.DataBind() at Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.DataBind() at System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataBoundControlDesigner.DataBind(BaseDataBoundControl dataBoundControl) at Telerik.Web.Design.RadGridDesigner.DataBind(BaseDataBoundControl dataBoundControl) at System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControlDesigner.GetDesignTimeHtml()
The RadGrid OnDataBindingFailed event does not fire when WCF/WebService returns an IIS 500 Errror page. It DOES, however, fire when IIS returns a proper 500 error JSON response. In my case, the former was happening because my ASP.NET WCF services were incorrectly configured and thus throwing a standard IIS 500 error page. RadGrid should recognize the IIS 500 page as failure and spawned a OnDataBindingFailed event. NOTE: For example, RadScheduler *does* correctly interpret the IIS 500 page as a failure (RE: OnClientRequestFailed).
Had a script to invoke filter button on enter key in the Filter header context menu of rad grid. This worked fine in Telerik DLL File version - 2010.2.929.35 but recently we upgraded to latest DLL which is File version - 2012.2.912.40 and it stopped working. Could you please help me in resolving this issue? Code used in ASpx.cs was void HeaderContextMenu_ItemCreated(object sender, RadMenuEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.Value == "FilterMenuContainer") { RadTextBox HCFMRTBFirstCond = e.Item.FindControl("HCFMRTBFirstCond") as RadTextBox; HCFMRTBFirstCond.ClientEvents.OnKeyPress = "PressFilterButton"; RadTextBox HCFMRTBSecondCond = e.Item.FindControl("HCFMRTBSecondCond") as RadTextBox; HCFMRTBSecondCond.ClientEvents.OnKeyPress = "PressFilterButton"; } } Javascript code is function PressFilterButton(sender, args) { var c = args.get_keyCode(); if (c == 13) { var btnFilter = null; var btnref = sender._clientID.substring(0, sender._clientID.indexOf("RTBFirstCond")) + 'FilterButton'; btnFilter = document.getElementById(btnref); if (btnFilter != null) {; } } }
In HeaderContextMenu was made a typo in item value. TopGroupSeparator is typed as TopGroupSeperator. I've wasted 10 minutes to find out why JS code is not working.
Provide the ability for the developer to configure the grid so that the Group By box appears _below_ the CommandItem
Currently to use a UserControl in RadGrid, it has to be in EditFormSettings defined as UserControlName. This functionallity requires filling all the controls of UserControl again on ItemDataBound event. It should be possible to put the UserControl in FormTemplate when EditFormType is "Template" . Thank you.