Hi Telerik, I've seen your new Theme Builder at http://themebuilder.telerik.com This is wonderful tool for all developer and I love it. So I have a feedback, can you create a Forum for everybody where we can share our Theme Builder in ASP.NET Ajax forum like Visual Style Builder forum's already exists. And a library where the best Theme Builder was pulic by others developer. I think this is good wat for the development of community Telerik Thanks
Resize the window in order to activate the screen boundary detection. Expand the first and the second root nodes then scroll to the bottom and expand the last root node. Notice that the drop down is scrolled to the top. <telerik:RadDropDownTree runat="server"ID="RadDropDownTree1" > </telerik:RadDropDownTree> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var tree = RadDropDownTree1.EmbeddedTree; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tree.Nodes.Add(new RadTreeNode("Roo t" + i.ToString())); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Add(new RadTreeNode("Sub" + i.ToString() + " " + j.ToString())); } } }
According to current implementation of paste functionality for IE, the editor gets the pasted content by executing the browser's paste command - editor.get_document().execCommand("Paste", null); This does not paste anything when browser's security setting "Allow Programmatic clipboard access" is disabled.
The selected image in SharePoint RadEditor's Image Manager dialog is not displayed when edited in the Image Editor in IE when the property ImageManagerViewMode of the editor is set to Grid.
In the meantime, use the following workaround: <script type="text/javascript"> var designMode = Telerik.Web.UI.EditModes.Design; var editorPrototype = Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor.prototype; var keypress = editorPrototype._keyPressHandler; editorPrototype._keyPressHandler = function (ev) { if (this.get_mode() == designMode) { keypress.call(this, ev); } } var keyDownOverride = editorPrototype._keyDownHandlerEnableTrackChangesOverride; editorPrototype._keyDownHandlerEnableTrackChangesOverride = function (ev) { if (this.get_mode() == designMode) { keyDownOverride.call(this, ev); } } var keydown = editorPrototype._keyDownHandler; editorPrototype._keyDownHandler = function (ev) { if (this.get_mode() == designMode) { keydown.call(this, ev); } } </script>
For the time being you can manually set the localization string for the "Add Custom Color" and "Current Color" buttons: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" RenderMode="Mobile" Language="de-DE" LocalizationPath="~/App_GlobalResources"></telerik:RadEditor> <script> var initialize = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.MobileColorPicker.prototype.initialize; var addCustomColorTextLocalized = "Add Custom Color Localized"; var currentColorTextLocalized = "Current Color Localized"; Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.MobileColorPicker.prototype.initialize = function () { var colorPicker = this; initialize.call(colorPicker); colorPicker._addCustomColorText = addCustomColorTextLocalized; colorPicker._currentColorText = currentColorTextLocalized; } </script>
This issue happens only under IE11 with IE9 compatibility mode. Using real IE9 browser the area is rendered correctly. You should be aware of this issue when testing cross browser functionality of the RadEditor.
When a table is inserted above a list element and modified via the Table Wizard dialog, it is getting appended as a list item.
Since upgrading to Q1 2013, any export to csv file type from RadGrid displays an empty space when a column is empty. It should just be blank.