The DragAndDrop functionality of the RadAsyncUpload under Edge, works properly if DropZones property of the control is set.
An existing control looks like Where this control would allow you to express the UI of the aggregated feed data, where as the feeds from RSS or LinkedIn, YouTube etc can be sorted, grouped, stared or shared. So ideally feeds can be added at run time. Personal settings could be saved using existing tooling. The ideal solution would allow the end user to customize their feeds. Ideally it would degrade well onto a mobile interface so you can flick thru all the feeds, flick to the left or right to dismiss or save. This is a bit more KendoUI
It would be nice to have a CardView type panel control. This could simply be a dezoned raddock control that is optionally missing the header. I am using some custom CSS for this now so that when the mouse moves over the div the shadow deepens to indicate selection. It would be nice to adjust the elevation as well. You can kind of get this now but taking a radwindow or a raddock but a dedicated control would be nice.
The CommandArgument value of RadButton is not available in the ClientClicking eventargs of RadButton. The get_commandName() method of the event arguments always returns null. The issue is introduced in Q1 2016 release. Steps to reproduce: Run the following code and click the button. <script type="text/javascript"> function btnEdit_Clicking(sender, eventArgs) { alert(eventArgs.get_commandArgument()); } </script> <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton2" AutoPostBack="false" runat="server" Text="Click Me" OnClientClicking="btnEdit_Clicking" CommandArgument="Name"> </telerik:RadButton>
Steps to reproduce: Use the following markup and click set html button: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" NewLineMode="Div"> <Content> <div><span style="font-family: 'Courier New';">test</span></div> <div><span style="font-family: 'Courier New';"> </span></div> <div><span style="font-family: 'Courier New';">test</span></div> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> <button type="button" onclick="getSetHtml();return false;">set html</button> <script> function getSetHtml() { var editor = $find("RadEditor1"); var html = editor.get_html(true); editor.set_html(html); } </script> Actual: The white space character in the empty line is removed and the empty line is not rendered Expected: The space is not removed and the new line is rendered Workaround: <script> (function ($E) { var utils = $E.Utils; Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.TrackerBase.prototype.removeZeroWidthNodes = function () { var that = this, nodes = that.nodes, reZeroWidthChar = new RegExp("^[" + that._zeroWidthCharacter + "]+$"); var nodeValuePairs = that.nodeValuePairs = []; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (utils.isTextNode(node) && !that._isNodeRemoved(node)) { var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; if (reZeroWidthChar.test(nodeValue)) { nodeValuePairs.push({ node: node, value: node.nodeValue }); var parentBlockElement = utils.getBlockParent(node); var isInEmptyBlockElement = parentBlockElement && utils.isNodeEmptyRecursive(parentBlockElement); node.nodeValue = isInEmptyBlockElement ? "\u00A0" : ""; } else { that.removeFirstZeroWidthChar(node); } } } } })(Telerik.Web.UI.Editor); </script>
This feature will allow users to set long footer's text and it will be displayed on a single line. <ExportSettings><Pdf><PageFooter><<MiddleCell Text="This is a very long footer that gets split to two lines" /></PageFooter></Pdf></ExportSettings>
RadToolTipManager cannot find custom embedded skin, when a custom skin DLL is created with the Skins assembly builder ( Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a custom skin and wownload ZIP from Visual Style Builder ( 2. Upload ZIP to Skins Assembly builder ( 3. Create new project with Telerik template, turn off all options (like additional skins). 4. Add downloaded DLL as project reference. 5. Add to web.config: <add key="Telerik.Skin" value="My_Skin" /> <add key="Telerik.EnableEmbeddedSkins" value="true" /> <add key="Telerik.EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet" value="true" /> <add key="Telerik.Web.SkinsAssembly" value="My_Skin"/> 6. In Default.aspx, add <telerik:RadToolTipManager runat="server"></telerik:RadToolTipManager> Result: an Internal Server Error is thrown: Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTipManager with ID='ctl03' was unable to find an embedded skin with the name 'My_Skin'. Please, make sure that the skin name is spelled correctly and that you have added a reference to the Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll assembly in your project. If you want to use a custom skin, set EnableEmbeddedSkins=false.
A new control that would respond to dynamic or highly relational data by showing relations to nodes would be extremely useful. Two examples are linked below: and The two examples show basic nodes and the ability for the end user to move through data to focus on specific data points and the map changes to show the relations stemming from that position. What would be useful to include would be the ability to define the points by some sort of type, and to colorize the points and/or connectors. The Telerik Diagram and Org Charts have a very basic type of relation - but are insufficient to map to the level of the examples. Where we would like to use this would be to map our software and services. Linking all dependencies and allowing a dynamic view of these would be extremely helpful. Our other business processes would most likely follow this example, where we could map our members to their services and costs, and rotate in on specific areas where we could focus on cost improvements.