Since upgrading to Q1 2013, any export to csv file type from RadGrid displays an empty space when a column is empty. It should just be blank.
Provide a RadDateTime control that allows you to only pick the Day of the Week (Sunday - Saturday) rather than simply picking a Date or a Time.
Currently, the RadGrid exports files to Excel using the legacy .xls format/extension. However, all Office documents starting with Office 2007 and later support the .xlsx format. Therefore, the RadGrid should support the ability to export data to either the legacy .xls format or the newer .xlsx format through attribute settings in the RadGrid control.
Provide the ability to clone or duplicate entire rows in the RadGrid control that can then be subsequently used in Insertion operations. This would be particularly useful when bulk editing records in a RadGrid that are very similar to existing records and only differ by a few values.
I'd like to use the Navigation widget in "Horizontal with drop down menus" mode but the "mouse over" mode doesn't work with touch devices (iPad) and the click option is OK but I still want the "Hover" option for non touch devices.
When i set the TextBox width to a percentage value i.e. 100% inside a table cell that has colspan > 1, the TextBox does not expand to fill the table cell. This problem occurs in IE 9 with Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Controls v2013.1.220.40. It works fine in FireFox and Chrome. Attached are the screenshots and a clean sample project (no browser specific code/css).
Steps to reproduce: 1) Create a vertical RadMenu with one item only 2) Hover the item Result: slight displacement
This happens after the first postback. Initially it works correct, but after postback, if you select part of the entered text, and start typing, the caret begins to the begining, and the newly typed char goes at first position.
Column width can be manually set via ExportInfrastructure.Column.Width, however, the width cannot be set to be based on the width of the column's cells' content. An auto-size property on the columns would be very useful for properly formatting the Excel file.
If an image occurs after some text and it is floated, then in Chrome the image properties dialog will have empty field values and no updates can be made to the image. Use the HTML below on the demo page and the issue can be seen. Sample content This is some text<img alt="" style="float: right;" src="/aspnet-ajax/Editor/Img/UserDir/Marketing/telerik_125x125_asp.gif" />
When you use the scheduler to manage items other than appointments, it'll be nice to have drill down capability. Ie show project and all it's tasks as child.
Just like the silverlight version does.
radcombobox with AutoPostBack = true; Filter = RadComboBoxFilter.None; MarkFirstMatch = false; EnableLoadOnDemand = false; AllowCustomText = true; we type a text like "123" and we hit ENTER all works fine: server side event SelectedIndexChanged is fired and Text property has correct value of "123" we type the text "00000" and we hit enter: - no server side event is fired (we are expecting SelectedIndexChanged to be fired) - on the client side now the combo shows up "123" (we've entered "00000") we type the text "4560000" and we hit ENTER: - a server side event is fired (SelectedIndexChanged) but the Text property has value of "456" seems that the character '0' is ignored from the final part of the entered text. attached is the solution (VS2010) with an example to reproduce the bug. we hope to find soon a solution to this (this bug happens with the latest version: UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2012\Bin40).
When we create a link to an external web site such as using the RadEditor ( on our SP2010 farm we are getting an error that says this: "cannot find this location in the current site location" "the URL may refer to an external web site for to a location in the site collection that does not exist or you do not have the right to access" When I bring up a browser on the SharePoint server themselves I can access those sites.
This property can be used for server-side validation.