Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 14:01 by ADMIN
Title says it all really. The current functionality is clunky and doesn't persist and it should.
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2021 09:40 by ADMIN
A property to handle that would be very convenient. This way developers could be able to restrict the number of rows that the user can type. Something like MaxRowNumber.

Additionally, a property MaxColumnNumber would be also useful to restrict the length of each row. 
Last Updated: 19 Jun 2018 16:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Rumen
Comments: 0
Category: InputManager
Type: Feature Request
The temporal solution is to change the type attribute of the RadNumericTextBox input to "tel". This can be done in the OnLoad client event of the control:

    function OnLoad(sender, args) {
            sender.get_element().setAttribute("type", "tel");
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox  RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadNumericTextBox1" Width="190px" Value="1" EmptyMessage="Enter units count" MinValue="0"  ShowSpinButtons="true" NumberFormat-DecimalDigits="0">
    <ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoad" />
</telerik:RadNumericTextBox><br />
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2018 07:56 by Attila Antal
When the "d" custom format specifier is used to format the Date or DisplayDate of RadDateInput, results are incorrect. Instead of showing only the day of the month, it shows dd/MM/yyyy. This issue affects all Picker controls that are using RadDateInput.

As a workaround, one option would be to define the DateFormat and DisplayDateFormat client-side

        <script type="text/javascript">
            function pageLoad(app, args) {
                var datetimepicker = $find("<%= RadDatePicker1.ClientID %>");
                var date = datetimepicker.get_selectedDate();

another option could be to put a space or a two signle-quotes before or after the format specifier letter in the markup:

DateFormat=" d"
DateFormat="d "

<telerik:RadDateInput ID="RadDateInput1" runat="server" DateFormat="d " DisplayDateFormat="d " SelectedDate="4/17/2018"></telerik:RadDateInput>
Last Updated: 07 Feb 2018 23:50 by Uri
RadTimePicker :
           Currently the time picker with time interval 5 minutes shows a large list. Instead of large list display Hours 1 to 12 with AM and PM and Minutes 05 to 55 like the image enclosed. 
Last Updated: 06 Sep 2017 14:27 by ADMIN
Currently if the MinValue or MaxValue properties are changed on the client, on the server the numeric value is auto-corrected according to the their old value.

Disabling the ViewState can help. Here is a basic example that can be used:

		<telerik:RadNumericTextBox runat="server" ID="rtb1" EnableViewState="false"></telerik:RadNumericTextBox>
		<asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="1 change max value and value with JS" OnClientClick="changeValues(); return false;" runat="server" />
		<asp:Button ID="Button2" Text="2 postback" OnClick="Button2_Click" runat="server" />
			function changeValues() {
				var rtb = $find("<%=rtb1.ClientID%>");

	protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
		if (!Page.IsPostBack)
			rtb1.MaxValue = 20;
			rtb1.Value = 1;
	protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
		Response.Write(string.Format("currValue: {0}<br/> maxValue: {1}", rtb1.Value, rtb1.MaxValue));
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2016 04:39 by Eric
The RadMaskedTextBox DisplayMask does not work properly in case "*" is used in it.
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2016 12:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Maria Ilieva
Comments: 0
Category: InputManager
Type: Feature Request
 DateInputSetting in InputManager does not behave as expected.

Use  the code and steps below:

<telerik:RadInputManager ID="RadInputManager1" runat="server">
    <telerik:DateInputSetting BehaviorID="BehaviourFormatHeure" DateFormat="HH:mm:ss" Validation-ValidationGroup="GroupValidation">
            <telerik:TargetInput ControlID="txtHeureDebut"></telerik:TargetInput>
            <telerik:TargetInput ControlID="txtHeureFin"></telerik:TargetInput>

When  type 5 and quit the input field, it works : 05:00:00 appears
When  type 512 and quit the input field, it works too : 05:12:00 appears
When  type 05:12:27 and quit the input field, it works again : value is unchanged
But when type 051227 and quit the input field, an error is indicated

Last Updated: 13 Oct 2014 08:32 by ADMIN