Last Updated: 05 Sep 2022 09:02 by ADMIN

Test Environment:

OS: Windows_11

Version: 22H2
OS Build: 22598.200
Browser: Version 104.0.1293.70 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Tool: Colour Contrast Analyser (Version 3.1.2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Repro Steps:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1. 1.Open URL: in Edge Browser.

2. Navigate and activate 'Calander' icon where popup opens.
3. Colour Contrast Analyser.
4. Apply foreground & background color check for luminosity contrast ratio of 'Selected date' on 'Calander' popup.
5. Observe an issue that luminosity contrast ratio for 'selected date' on Calander is 3.8:1 which is less than 4.5:1.

Actual Behavior:

Luminosity contrast ratio for 'selected date' on Calander is 1.6:1 which is less than 4.5:1.

Expected Behavior:

Contrast ratio for the text must be greater than or equal to 4.5:1.                                         

Last Updated: 07 Sep 2022 11:37 by ADMIN
Release R3 2022
Created by: Jeff
Comments: 1
Category: DatePicker
Type: Bug Report
The document.body gets focused when tabbing from the Popup button to the Calendar view. Keyboard navigation no longer works.
Last Updated: 08 Nov 2021 12:27 by ADMIN
Release R3 2021 SP1

No direct way to select the prev/next month and year buttons - While the calendar is open and focused, note that there is no way to focus and use the month and year changing buttons in the calendar header

Related to 

Last Updated: 31 Aug 2021 14:16 by ADMIN
Release R3 2021

Markup to reproduce:

<telerik:RadDatePicker Runat="server" MaxDate="11/10/2020" MinDate="11/10/2020" EnableKeyboardNavigation="true" EnableAriaSupport="false"></telerik:RadDatePicker>

Open the popup calendar and try to navigate with the arrow keys. JavaScript error is thrown


Last Updated: 08 Sep 2021 10:58 by ADMIN
Release R3 2021
Created by: Jeff
Comments: 0
Category: DatePicker
Type: Feature Request

There are accessibility issues with the calendar portion of the DatePicker which can be seen in the following demo:

  • JAWS does not announce the selected date in the Date GridWhile running JAWS, open the calendar and use the arrow keys to move through the date grid. Notice that JAWS does not announce the date numbers, so there's no way to know what date is currently focused. 
  • The TAB does not refocus the DateInput back from the popup While the calendar is open, press the Tab key. Note that focus leaves the calendar. Even if the Tab is not the preferred form of navigation, it should be trapped as long as the calendar widget is open so that it cannot interrupt the user's interaction with the control.
  • Escape does not focus the DateInput/Escape does not work in Firefox - While the calendar is open and focused, press the escape key to close it. Note that focus is not returned to the calendar button. It's set top of the page. The calendar button IS focused when a date is selected from the calendar, so it should be possible to do the same when closing the calendar via any other means.
  • *Moved to separate feedback item* No direct way to select the prev/next month and year buttons - While the calendar is open and focused, note that there is no way to focus and use the month and year changing buttons in the calendar header.

All of the above were tested in both Chrome, IE, and Firefox.

Combined, these issues seem to break accessibility for both low-vision and keyboard-only users. Any improvements you can make in future releases would be greatly appreciated.

Last Updated: 24 Jul 2019 15:14 by ADMIN
In much of the work we do, we need the user to pick a date-from and date-to.  Currently, this means making two distinct controls and having to write validation to ensure that date 1 must be before date 2.  Many sites, such as hotel booking sites, have a date-period selector as a single control and it would be great to have this available as part of the ASP.NET AJAX suite.  I believe that a date-period-selector tool is available as part of other Telerik control suites, so I was rather hoping that it could make an appearance for us too.  Thanks!
Last Updated: 01 Jun 2021 13:31 by ADMIN
Release Q2 2015