Would like the ability to bind raddropdowntree using a webservice (I have a tree structure that has 15,000+ items) while still having the ability to enable filtering. Currently you can do one or the other.
when there are a lot of items checked, the RadDropDownTree displays the names of the checked items and an ellipsis, Unlike the RadComboBox which displays "X items checked" or "All items checked" if the list of checked items is too long. Please add an option for behaving like the combobox UX "[N | All] Items checked". Users do not understand this is a different control and they think it's a combo but unlike the RadComboBox they are getting a different type of behavior when selecting multiple items
1) Be able to get the level of a node in JS code 2) Have custom attributes that could be assigned to the drop down entries. 3) Force the tree of a selected node to be opened. 4) Be able to scroll to the selected node on opening the drop down for the first time (in the attached image I had to scroll quite a way to get the relevant node.)
The DropDownTree pop-up is not positioned properly when the <form> is wrapped inside a relatively positioned element with fixed width. The issue can be reproduced with a similar configuration: <div style="width: 700px; position: relative; left:300px"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server"></telerik:RadScriptManager> <div class="position"> <telerik:RadDropDownTree runat="server" ID="ddt1" CssClass="dropDownTree"></telerik:RadDropDownTree> </div> </form> </div>
Hi Please add rtl support to RadDropDownTree. Thanks
All admin fields should have built in label controls. Several such as RadTextBox do have built in labels and it is not that helpful when some other controls don't have the label functionality. Makes for a messy page. Please add in for this and other control types.
Hello, Our company’s project needs the following functionality: after dropdown in RadDropDownTree is closed, an event will fire - only ONCE – with all checked nodes. Currently, NodeCheck event fires immediately for each node checked. And, onEntryAdded event occurs after the dropdown is closed, but it is fired for each node checked. Our project involves a lot of data. Therefore, many nodes can be checked by the user. It is unpractical that the event will be fired for each node checked, as this will harm our project’s functionality and performance. Thanks, Daniel. .Net Programmer at ISR Corp.
When using a RadDropDownTree with a fairly large number of items, a user may select quite a few of the items. The current behaviour when the drop down is closed is that the names of only the first few selected items are shown, with no immediate visual feedback that more items are also selected (other than the tooltip). This can be misleading for users. I would like the ability to customise the message shown in the entry area, based on how many items are actually selected, e.g. "10 selected items, click here to review".
Workaround 1; input[type=text]::-ms-clear { display: none; } Workaround 2: // https://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/details/how-to-create-a-javascript-array-of-all-particular-radcontrols-on-the-page function get_allRadDropDownTrees() { var allRadDropDownTrees = []; var allRadControls = $telerik.radControls; for (var i = 0; i < allRadControls.length; i++) { var element = allRadControls[i]; if (Telerik.Web.UI.RadDropDownTree && element instanceof Telerik.Web.UI.RadDropDownTree) { Array.add(allRadDropDownTrees, element); } } return allRadDropDownTrees; } function fixClearButton(sender, args) { tree = sender; if ($telerik.isIE) { var dropDownTrees = get_allRadDropDownTrees(); dropDownTrees.forEach(function (dropdowntree) { $telerik.$(dropdowntree.get_filterElement()).on('input', function (e, a) { if (!e.target.value) { dropdowntree.filterByText("") } }) }) } Sys.Application.remove_load(fixClearButton); } Sys.Application.add_load(fixClearButton); Workaround 3: var tree; function OnClientLoad(sender, args) { tree = sender; if ($telerik.isIE) { $telerik.$(sender.get_filterElement()).on('input', function (e, a) { if (!e.target.value) { tree.filterByText("") } }) } }