The DropDownTree pop-up is not positioned properly when the <form> is wrapped inside a relatively positioned element with fixed width. The issue can be reproduced with a similar configuration: <div style="width: 700px; position: relative; left:300px"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server"></telerik:RadScriptManager> <div class="position"> <telerik:RadDropDownTree runat="server" ID="ddt1" CssClass="dropDownTree"></telerik:RadDropDownTree> </div> </form> </div>
Would like the ability to bind raddropdowntree using a webservice (I have a tree structure that has 15,000+ items) while still having the ability to enable filtering. Currently you can do one or the other.
Validation is not working as expected in Dropdowntree. In the demo page, if any one node is checked, the validation message "You need to select a type or a category before submitting the page" is displayed. If multiple checkboxes are checked, the message is not displayed. I do not want the validation message displayed when check box is checked.
When I set the RadDropDownTree Enbaled as False, the Clear button still working and clear the Selected value.
1) Be able to get the level of a node in JS code 2) Have custom attributes that could be assigned to the drop down entries. 3) Force the tree of a selected node to be opened. 4) Be able to scroll to the selected node on opening the drop down for the first time (in the attached image I had to scroll quite a way to get the relevant node.)