Add a Map control to the product suite.
Do you have plans to develop controls for the UNO platform?
There are other companies that have already stated that they are working on it, for example,
Barcode reader which can scan a barcode and input it in an entry.
xamarin forms on wpf is now official, we need to support telerik on there aswell..
Hi Team,
Were are using RadCalendar- Agenda View mode.
In that
a)we have to add an icon in some specific appointments.
b)We also need a clicked event on that icon to show a TOOL-TIP with some details in it.
Have attached a snapshot for your reference.
Please let it know the possibilities
Vinu Priya
The App bar background color is gray, and the search bar doesn't look good with this black textcolor and dark gray background color.
The default SearchBar look on iOS:
Already available for MultiDayView
Hi Team,
Is it possible to show the "Current Time(Red Line)- indicator" in RadCalendar. We have attached the sample image for your reference.
Hi Team,
The current time feature is not coming in Dayview, it is coming in Multidayview only, Please let us know how to achieve it in DayView?
Please refer to the atthached SnapShot .
Appointments in MonthView can be shown inside day cells as shapes or as text (with and without shape) - this is controlled by DisplayMode property of the AppointmentsStyle.
Currently, when using Text DisplayMode there is an additional label indicating the amount of the appointments for a certain day that remain hidden (due to not enough space). We should provide some kind of indication in case of Shape DisplayMode that there are more appointments inside the day cell.
When the DataGrid a few rows of data and scrolls to page 3 or above, the edit mode will be cancelled quickly and cannot be edited.