Last Updated: 26 Oct 2020 11:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Kori
Comments: 1
Category: ListPicker
Type: Feature Request

Can we have an option to allow users to select the default placeholder item to deselect the selected item and revert the list picker to a placeholder? (eg. when the list picker popup is opened, show a placeholder on top of the items.  If that item is selected, the selected item of the list picker is cleared, similar to how there's a placeholder option for dropdown lists in the web).

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023 10:40 by ADMIN
When having the following scenario: 

Bound SelectedItem = A
Bound Items to the ListPicker.ItemsSource= {B, C, D}
Open picker.
Item B is highlighted.
Do not scroll or tap anything, just press OK

Expected -> SelectedItem = B
Actual -> SelectedItem remains A.