Add a password strength indicator/meter for the Entry control similar to the one in ASP.NET AJAX TextBox:
Demos: Telerik Web UI TextBox Password Strength Checker Demo | Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Docs: Telerik Web Forms Password Strength Checker - RadTextBox | Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX
I would like to be able to invoke the Completed event from code. This request is to add a SendCompleted event like the Xamarin.Forms Entry has defined in the IEntryController.
Alternatively, you could make the RadEntry.InvokeCompletedEvent method public, but the SendCompleted approach is more aligned with existing code.
All entry fields are not aligned to Right when the RTL language is selected.
Steps to reproduce,I'm particularly wanting the "Assistive labels" features, which comes from Material design (click in the textbox, and the watermark becomes a floating label). Like this:
When BorderColor is applied, it is still changed to the default one when the end user hovers over or focuses the control
In Android the OneWay binding to Text property is not working
If you apply a border with rounded corners and background color to RadEntry, the background exceeds the border.
When setting a FontFamily on RadEntry, and the font family resource cannot be found, you'll be presented with an exception: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: descriptor" Stack Trace: at UIKit.UIFont._FromDescriptor (UIKit.UIFontDescriptor descriptor, System.nfloat pointSize) [0x00011] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/