Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 08:28 by Andrey
When the DataGrid has HeaderContentTemplate defined, and the app window is resized, the columns' header titles get misplaced, in a random way. 
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 07:44 by Afshin
Created by: Afshin
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Provide a RowStyleSelector property to the DataGrid control.
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2023 12:05 by Nate
When you have a DataGrid with a lot of items, if you scroll down the list then leave that page and come back, the list does not appear until you scroll down.  As soon as you scroll down the list repaints and the items show as expected.
Last Updated: 15 Aug 2023 06:32 by ADMIN

Giving a RadDataGrid where columns are mostly empty, scroll to the right and mutate the data. All the rows without data visible disappear until the user scrolls back to columns that have data.

Link to video: https://youtube.com/shorts/_Zdm2FIowP8?feature=share

Sample project attached.

Last Updated: 11 Jul 2023 13:12 by Christopher
When RadDataGrid is populated with a DataTable and the columns are reordered, the items (DataRowViews) in the underlying DataView have their items arrays in the original order, not synced with the UI updates in the DataGrid.
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2023 10:27 by ADMIN
LoadOnDemandContext.HideLoadOnDemandLoadingIndicator() needs to be in an async method, otherwise it will keep the indicator visible forever
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2023 18:01 by Rodney
Created by: Rodney
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

Currently, you have ScrollItemIntoView support. However, that does not work unless you have rows and a reference to the data item.

I need an explicit mechanism to pick a specific X/Y cell position, or at least a column index, that can be scrolled to so that I can have horizontal scrolling capability.

For example, imagine a DataGrid that has only one row, but a 100 columns, I would like to be able to do this:

// Option 1 - Use the ItemsSource column reference
var dataTableColumn = this.myDataTable.Columns[50];

// Option 2 - Better!  
// This supports any possible data source type
var telerikColumn = this.MyDataGrid.Columns[50];

// Option 3 - Ideal
// Useful for every possible occasion
var x = 5;
var y = 12;
this.MyDataGrid.ScrollIntoView(x, y);


Last Updated: 11 Oct 2022 06:37 by Mike
Our MainPage has a button which opens the page with the DataGrid. When you scroll to the bottom of the DataGrid page and hit the back button to the MainPage and then try to go back to the page with the DataGrid, the app crashes with null reference exception.
Last Updated: 29 Jun 2023 19:34 by Christopher

Provide an option to programmatically reset the ordering of the columns in the DataGrid after reordering them using the Options-> more button


There isn't a command which can be used for resetting the column reorder.

Last Updated: 16 Mar 2022 12:51 by Amit
If you use a TrueType font for the DataGrid column's Style properties (CellContentStyle, HeaderStyle), it is not respected and falls back to a default platform font.
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2022 14:14 by ADMIN
When the selected item is set initially, the selected style is not applied to the row/cell
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2021 15:26 by ADMIN
When the filter descriptor is used once to filter a column with a lot of items and then you reset the descriptor this results in freezing the datagrid.
Last Updated: 04 Oct 2021 12:11 by ADMIN
After changing the ItemsSource dynamically in code, the scrollbars disappear and the last column becomes invisible until the user taps an item in the DataGrid on Android 7.1. 
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2021 09:22 by ADMIN

Programmatically changing column width does not reflect on the UI when the width value is lower than the current width value. 

No issues when increasing the value, the UI is updated

Last Updated: 18 Aug 2021 11:37 by ADMIN
1. Create a data grid with 2 picker columns

2. Bind each picker column to a different ItemsSource

3. Add some empty rows to the Datagrid 

4. Start the app

5. Select a picker value from the first column

6. Open a second picker from the other column

 First picker's selection disappears

Last Updated: 14 May 2021 10:12 by ADMIN

In case there are more columns inside the DataGrid, a horizontal scrollbar appears when a user swipes left. However, sometimes it' not clear there are more columns further on the left. For example, when you define a column's width with a big value or when the number of first 5 columns fit perfectly with a device's width totally by coincidence. In those cases, it'll be helpful to display horizontal scrollbar by default so the user knows there're more information on the left. (Very similar to a vertical scrollbar)

Last Updated: 11 May 2021 09:33 by ADMIN
After opening the Filtering UI for a certain column and selecting "More" button in order to choose visible columns, returning to the first Filtering UI view leads to the "And" label broken into two lines.
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2021 13:14 by ADMIN
When there is no data in any of the cells of a row, the cells are not rendered at all,  and this prevents the user from being able to edit any data.
Last Updated: 06 Jan 2021 14:53 by ADMIN
In case RadDataGrid is populated with large amount of items (~5000 items with 10 columns), scrolling horizontally to the right most side and reloading the data ( updating the ItemsSource) results in a non-responsive app.
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:46 by ADMIN
When you edit a value of a certain item and you tap outside of the DataGrid, so it loses the focus, the edited value is not committed and the DataGrid stays in invalid edit state.
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