When you have some kind of image - CachedImage, FFimage, XF Image, within the ItemTemplate of the RadListView and you want to use the ItemSwipe functionality - the items constantly flicker.
If you set a constant height to the listView item - the issue is not observed:
If you have a more complex HeaderTemplate containing input controls, each button placed after a certain position does not fire its Click event. If a button is placed at the top of the template, it functions properly.
I have a class, a collection of which is displayed in RadListView. If the class has a static property, no single item is displayed in UWP. In Android and iOS it works without this problem.
The RadListView control changes its scroll position to the Top of the control when expand/collapse groups or toggling the layout
Currently the SelectedItems collection does not support two way binding. Expose API to support two way binding.
Add events to handle when listview cells are unloaded/recycled and prepared.
Currently RadListView has only pullTorefresh which updates the list if user scrolling the list downwards.. But it is good to have pullUptorefresh kind of gesture. since mostly we need to populate the list when user scrolling up. a gesture direction setting (pullup or down) would do.