Last Updated: 23 Oct 2019 12:21 by ADMIN
Release R2 2018
Created by: Stefan Nenchev
Comments: 2
Category: ListView
Type: Feature Request
Available in the R2 2018 release.
Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:07 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:00 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 11:52 by ADMIN
Workaround: Use Grid with column width or row height * instead of StackLayout
Last Updated: 07 Dec 2017 09:57 by ADMIN
When you have an Image inside the ListViewTemplateCell like this:

                <Image Source="{Binding ImageSrc}" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Start" />               

in certain cases not all images are initially rendered.  As soon as you click any of the images, all of them are loaded.

As a workaround, avoid setting HorizontalOptions/VerticalOptions properties to the Image.

Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 11:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Comments: 0
Category: ListView
Type: Feature Request
Currently checkboxes are only available for multiple selection on iOS. Client feature request to have them available for other platforms.
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2018 10:52 by ADMIN
If you use an enum property in the PropertyGroupDescriptor, an Objective-C exception is thrown in iOS. 

Workaround: Use an additional string property that will return a string value based on the enum value.

Available in the R1 2018 release. 
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2018 10:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikolay Demirev
Comments: 0
Category: ListView
Type: Bug Report
The item reorder works on mobile, but not Desktop.
Available in the R1 2018 release.
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2018 10:51 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 02 Nov 2018 08:53 by Shalin
If you have set a custom LoadOndemandItemTemplate when the ListView is in manual LoadOnDemand mode, once you click the Load More button - it gets invisible. Clicking on the area where the button should be is working, though.

Available in the R2 2018 release.
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2018 12:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Comments: 1
Category: ListView
Type: Bug Report
Client-reported issue with RadListView, request exception to be handled internally.

To reproduce:

Using RadListView' Getting Started example ViewModel and Model, the following will throw NullPointerException when ItemsSource is populated:

<telerikDataControls:RadListView ItemsSource="{Binding Source}" >

Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:06 by ADMIN
Available in the R2 2018 release.
Last Updated: 13 May 2020 13:13 by ADMIN
Release R2 2020
Created by: Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Comments: 2
Category: ListView
Type: Bug Report
The LoadOnDemandItemTemplate's HorizontalOptions setting is ignored on Android, it will always be left aligned.

See this screenshot for comparison of 3 target platforms side-by-side:

The DataTemplate is as follows:
        <Grid BackgroundColor="Red" 
             <Label FontSize="24"
                         Text="Load more items"
                         TextColor="Black" />
Last Updated: 09 Nov 2017 15:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan Nenchev
Comments: 0
Category: ListView
Type: Feature Request
We should consider adding such behavior where if the user clicks on the currently selected item -> it is not deselected. Currently, there is a workaround by working with the SelectedItems collection , keeping reference of the latest selected item and programmatically selecting it in case the collection is empty. 
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 11:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikolay Demirev
Comments: 0
Category: ListView
Type: Feature Request
Presently there is only one event SelectionChanged, which is raised whenever the SelectedItems collection changes. This is confusing as the event is raised twice when a user clicks an item - first for the item that is removed, then for the item that is added. The event should be renamed to something like SelectedItemsCollectionChanged and a new event SelectedItemChanged should be added.
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 11:52 by ADMIN
When you drag an item and want to drop it after the visible items the ListView should auto scroll.

This works with a vertical orientation.
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2018 10:52 by ADMIN
If you scroll the ListView to a specific position in Android, switch to another view and get back to the ListView -> the position is preserved. This is not the behavior on iOS. We need to unify the behavior and introduce such action in iOS.
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 11:52 by ADMIN
Reordering items in the ListView causes the CollectionChanged event to be triggered with Remove and then Add action instead of just Move action
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2018 13:35 by ADMIN
Currently we support incremental loading, only. We need to allow item unloading as well as loading items at random batches. e.g. loading items from position 50 to position 62.
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2018 10:50 by N Mackay
Created by: Georgi
Comments: 1
Category: ListView
Type: Bug Report
First the control is loaded, then operations (like grouping) are applied and this leads to flickering.

Available in minor release 2017.3.1103. It will also be available in the R1 2018 release.