Change the time picker to a way that you can 'zoom' in on the time. In the same way as the decade>year>month zoom of the date part.
To be able to select times till minute or second precision
one of my users has requested the ability to have the daytime picker pop-up closed when you double-click on the time. could this please be added into a future release. I have written some code to do it in the meantime in ClockItem.cs:
// Stefan: start
protected override void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var dateTimePicker = this.ParentOfType<RadDateTimePicker>();
if (dateTimePicker != null && dateTimePicker.InputBox != null)
dateTimePicker.IsDropDownOpen = false; // close it.
// Stefan: end
Create property that allows to open the dropdown on focus or change the implementation of the control so this can be achieved by code.
Implement two-digit year parsing referred as €œThe 2029 Rule€ in the control like the parsing in Excel. Examples: In Excel: typing 1/1/70 returns 1/1/1970 In RadDatePicker: typing 1/1/70 returns 1/1/2070 For more information use the description at this link
Currenly if you update the Value it will update the text as well preventing further digits to be entered in a meaningful way.
Research and implement if possible to choose seconds TimeInterval.
There should be a property like StringFormat, which can be set to something like "dd.MM". This is really common way across all wpf controls, and it's frustrating that currently it can be done only using code-behind. It's not MVVM friendly at all.
Used to clear the Input field and set the SelectedValue to null, include dependency properties like ClearButtonVisibility and ClearButtonContent.
A client could change the TimeZoneInfo in the DateTimePicker control so it will shows the DateTime information different from the current machine.
Can you please add a property CustomFormat to RadDateTimePicker? Possibly we should have 3 options for DisplayMode: Short, Long and Custom. If Custom is selected, user can specify format into CustomFormat field. Ex. CustomFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy". Also, make this field bindable, so that it can be specified from the ViewModel.
Forbid typing a date earlier or later than a date if SelectableDateStart/SelectableDateEnd are set. Can be achieved by custom parsing. Available in the 2016 Q1 Release: Implemented IsInputRestrictedToSelectableDates property in order to allow only selecting dates by input in the selectable range (when SelectableDateStart/SelectableDateEnd/BlackoutDates are used).
Added TodayButtonVisibility and TodayButtonContent properties for showing/hiding a button that selects current date and time - available in the 2016 Q1 Release.