The settings pane doesn't take into account the scenario when its popup is opened close to the top or bottom bounds of the screen, in the calculation of its vertical position. Available in R2 2016 SP
The PrintSettingsViewModel ' s MergeAndValidatePrintTicket method might throw PrintQueueExceptions. Catch them and provide info to the users somehow, for example args in the PreviewPrint event.
As a workaround, the property can be set locally for the time being.
Available in LIB version: 2016.2.801
Now when i want to move the drawing in visual range,just by zoom in and zoom out ,if using the doument area like the microsoft visio,adding the A4 size design area(or B5,A3, and so on...), we can zoom in and zoom out area by Ctrl+Mousewheel,can pan the drawing by scrollbar too.
RadDiagramShape has NULL content but has DataContext and ContentTemplate. In the ContentTemplate there are UIElements defined. Their automation peers are not added in the automation tree. This can be observed in UIVerify tools.
DragAndDrop from toolbox is not working if an external dll is located in the GAC and the DiagramToolBox is located there.
Editing any diagram shape does not take into account the fontsize of the shape. A possible workaround is to wire to shape's Loaded event as below: private void RadDiagramTextShape_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RadDiagramTextShape shape = sender as RadDiagramTextShape; TextBox tBox = shape.ChildrenOfType<TextBox>().FirstOrDefault(); tBox.FontSize = shape.FontSize; } Available in LIB version: 2016.3.926
If we have a custom shape that derives from RadDiagramShapeBase and we rotate it at some degree (90) for example, and then resize it the diagram's selection adorner is misplaced with the shape. Workaround:
Set RenderTransofrmOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5) to the shape.
Other workaround: Derive the custom shape from RadDiagramShape, instead of RadDiagramShapeBase.
Hundreds of Connections with ConnectionsBridges turned on in diagram. One on top of the others.
StackOverflowException between updating the Connections' Start/End points.
The exception is thrown for the RotationAngle property.
The issue can be observed also in the opposite direction - the diagram is serialized on a machine with some culture (for example Portugal Porguese - pt-PT) and then restored on a machine with an English culture.
The issue reproduces only when saving and loading between cultures which numeric separators are different. For example, with Bulgarian culture, the number 4.5 is represented as 4,5 (with a comma). With English culture the number will be represented as 4.5 (with a period).
To work this around, create a custom RadDiagramShape and override its Deserialize() method. Then parse the RotationAngle manually, and set it to the RotationAngle property of the shape. After this, set the RotationAngle of the SerializationInfo to null, in order to prevent the default restoring of the property.
CustomShape : RadDiagramShape, IEquatable<BaseShape>
Deserialize(SerializationInfo info)
] !=
var angle = Convert.ToDouble(info[
].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
.RotationAngle = angle;
] =
While performing Cut operation inside RadDiagram, an exception in the MS Clipboard occurs with the following message:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'OpenClipboard Failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN))'