Setting IsConnectorsManipulationEnabled on a shape doesn't hide/show the Connectors immediately - you have to force a VisualState update. The fix is available in LIB Version 2014.3.1312.
ConnectionManipulationCompleted event does not fire when a shape is rotated more than 45 degrees and custom connector is used. The fix is available in LIB Version 2014.3.1305.
Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1402
SettingsPane's StrokeDashArray Combo in the Style tab is not updated correctly after save and load of diagram. Use a diagram, use the settings pane to set non-default value of the shape's strokedasharray. Save the diagram. Open new solution. Load the saved diagram. Open the settings pane on the shape you have edited before. Notice the ComboBox is not updated with the actual strokedasharray of the selected shape.
The manipulation adorner is misplaced after dynamic theme change if the diagram's position is different than 0, 0 Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1110
When using TreeLayout.Right if a shape has a single child that is shorter (in terms of height) the tops of the shapes are aligned, this means the centers of the shapes do not align and so the connection is 'crooked'. It would surely make more sense if the centres of the shapes were aligned.
The RadDiagramContainerShape size expands when a connection is added in its Items and then a connection point is added with Ctrl+Click. The fix is available in LIB Version 2014.3.1312.
IsZoomEnabled property is not respected when the diagram is zoomed with touch/pinch gesture Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1409
We use a RadDiagram for what is essentially graphic-art layout. At times, subpixel positioning and extents really are correct for this use case. We have shapes correctly positioned and displaying at subpixel accuracy; however, the selection outline always snaps to a pixel. This is particularly relevant when zoomed in on a piece of art, e.g., aligning semi-transparent edges. It looks odd to have the selection outline lie outside of the visible extents of the art. Furthermore, when moving the art by mouse, the interaction is odd in that the art appears to move smoothly while the selection outline pops from pixel to pixel. This confused our users as to what was really happening as they positioned things. The relevant code for this is in RadDiagram.UpdateManipulationAdorner, which uses Math.Floor and Math.Ceiling to snap the line to pixel borders. This was apparently put in to solve issues of blurriness from having a, say, 1-pixel selection outline lie at a sub-pixel position. Perhaps a dependency property to control whether this snapping happens?
Adding RadDiagramConnection in RadDiagramContainerShape doesn't work correctly in some cases: -The container shape bounds increase each time it is expanded, when the routing of the diagram is enabled (RouteConnections=True) and you have a connected RadDiagramShapes placed in a collapsible RadDiagramContainerShape, -When you try to connect shapes placed in a RadDiagramContainerShape the RadDiagramConnection is not added in the container items. -When you delete a RadDiagramConnection that is placed inside a RadDiagramContainerShape with the Delete key and then undo (Ctrl+Z) the deletion, the shape is added in the diagram items instead of the container items collection. Fixed in LIB version: 2014.2.0825
Add some connection points to polyline connection. Move them. Then Select all with Ctrl + A. You will notice the Blue multiselection geometry is not with the correct geometry - it should be over the connection but it is not. Fix is available in LIB Version 2014.3.1208.
An Exception is thrown when a connection is added into a container shape in an MVVM scenario. More specifically, when you create a new LinkViewModelBase<T> and use the AddItem method of the ContainerNodeViewModelBase<T> to add it inside the container.
On graphSouce change the graphSource's collectionChanged event is not detached and because of this the diagram will still create shapes if you add items to it. Fixed in LIB version: 2014.2.0804
You should be able to prevent the horizontal/vertical overlapping of routed connections . This way the connections should be easier to differentiate. To better differentiate connections, users might: --- use labels on the connections --- use bezier connections --- use different colors for different connections --- use more custom connectors and attach the connections to not used connectors -- use AStartRouter instead of the default one (Grid Router)
Can't paste a connection in a diagram different than the original one - the one in which the copy operation was executed.
The AllowPaste property does not work in MVVM scenario. The DeserializeNode() method in the GraphSource is called.
Implement automatic-layout of Polytree ( graphs. Layout with multiple roots in single graph component. We added an SDK sample showing how you can layout such tree hierarchies in RadDiagram:
The shape positions are not correct in Firefox after HTML export if there are connection caps.
Create example with data base tables that visualizes self referencing business objects.