Extend ChartSelectionBehavior to support continuous range selection through drag&drop.
Set the DataContext of a Candlestick to be the DataPoint to allow binding to properties of the business object.
When this mode is on - all of the points for which information in the track ball is shown should be on the left hand side of the mouse.
When this mode is on, information should be displayed for all data points in a given category (as opposed to displaying the closest points taken from different categories).
Add support for ScatterBar series type i.e. bar series that is plotted against linear / logarithmic axis.
Provide a way that the CrossHair behavior looks like theTrackBall's one so that the Crosshair follows just the chart's series. Something like a TrackBall with the horizontal and vertical line of a Crosshair.
Allow for the Polar chart to have multiple polar axes so that a user can easily understand what value does a data point have. For example a polar chart with four axes (with the same range) and an axis in each quadrant.
When thousands of items are displayed, the tooltip and trackball behaviors may become slow, because of inefficient searching for the closest datapoints. Performance can be sped up by implementing a custom search and manually creating a ChartDataContext via the GetDataContext method.
Currently, RadChartView doesn't support the ChartToolTipBehavior for series that are using BitmapRenderOptions, Direct2DRenderOptions, or SkiaRenderOptions. The tooltip doesn't display.
Currently plot band and marked zone annotations are not snapped to the ticks when the PlotMode of a CategoricalAxis is BetweenTicks. Instead the annotation starts from the middle of the slot, and from the middle of the bar (when using BarSeries). Introduce a way to snap plot band annotations and marked zone annotations to the ticks instead of the middle of the slot of the categorical axis.
Implement ChartSeriesLabelDefinition properties as DependencyProperties
Create 2-dimensional contour plot from unstructured 3-dimensional data. Means the points are randomly arranged in the XY plane. Attached file shows an example of what I would like to achieve. I think the contour plot Telerik does currently requires a structured grid, i.e. full grid of NxM points.
Ability to specify a cursor during a drag-to-pan operation. One way to work-around this is to use the attached property in the sample project attached here. This is the code needed to start using the solution: <telerik:RadCartesianChart local:ChartUtilities.PanCursor="Hand" />
Add support for axis with multi-level categories.
ChartView: Implement radar column series.
Add support for millisecond sampling interval to ChartDataSource.
Possible positions: - above or below the X axis - left or right of the Y axis
Introduce a way to set a geometry for the chart series' data points. Currently you cannot easily change the geometry of the default visual of PointSeries and LineSeries, for example. We can also introduce a default visual geometry selector.