Last Updated: 30 Jan 2019 15:16 by ADMIN
If you define the chart in a new window and open it from the app main window, and then close the window, the chart stays in memory. This is reproducible only in a data binding scenario - the ItemsSource of the chart series should be set to a ObservableCollection<T>. 

Additionally, the collection bound to the ItemsSource of the series should be still alive. For example, it can be defined in the view model of the main window that opens the window with the chart.

To resolve this you will need to set the ItemsSource of all chart series in the window to null.

Scheduled for:
The fix for this issue will be available with LIB (version 2019.1.204) scheduled for publishing on Monday, 4th February 2019.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2016 13:13 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2017 07:32 by ADMIN
When the points in a series consist of values including 0, DivideByZeroException is thrown. The exception is thrown while measuring the chart - the tick step is set to 0 and the index of the tick on the axis cannot be calculated.
Workaround: Set the Minimum and Maximum properties of the Axis.

Available in LIB version: 2017.2.605
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2015 12:25 by ADMIN
The position of non-positive values cannot be determined when using a logarithmic axis (due to the nature of the logarithmic axis, non-positive values are undefined). Currently the chart displays such points as if the value of the point is 1, which is not correct. The chart should not display these values at all.

Last Updated: 28 Apr 2016 13:44 by ADMIN
If you change the axes of a series at runtime in the following order the axis won't be rendered as expected.
1. Set the series' VerticalAxis property to a new axis instance
2. Set the series' VerticalAxis property to another new axis instance
3. Set the series' VerticalAxis property to the axis' instance created in step 1

This is observed in a scenario with two chart series and only the axis of one of the series is drawn incorrect.

When step 3 is performed, the axis is drawn at incorrect position. Then if you resize, the axis will be repositioned but without any ticks or labels.

Available in LIB Version 2015.3.1123.
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2016 12:16 by ADMIN

Available in LIB version: 2016.1.21
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2015 14:02 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin Ivanov
Comments: 0
Category: ChartView
Type: Feature Request
Implement series descriptor for the chart's range series

Will be available in Q1 2016 Release.
Last Updated: 08 Apr 2016 13:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin Ivanov
Comments: 0
Category: ChartView
Type: Bug Report
The SelectStyle() method of the DefaultVisualStyleSelector is never called

Will be available in R2 2016 Release.
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