When the layout of the keyboard is AZERTY the minus key is not working as expected. Available in LIB version 2017.3.1113, it will be also available in the R1 2018 Release.
In MaskedTextInput, users need to enter from right to left just like in NumericInput and CurrencyInput.
In Insert Mode digits are not inserted properly. For example, with Value 123456 - when caret is between 3 and 4 pressing digit overwrites the digit 4 but is shouldn't
When setting the CurrencyDecimalSeparator to "," the MaskedCurrencyInput shows ".," (decimal point is not expected). Similar issues with MaskedNumericInput. Setting both CurrencyDecimalSeparator and CurrencyGroupSeparator to "." also produces issues. Possible workaround: public class CustomCurrency: RadMaskedCurrencyInput { protected override void SetSeparators(params Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.Separator[] separatorsArray) { base.SetSeparators(separatorsArray); this.Separators.Add(new Separator(this.Culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator, true)); } } The fix will be available in lib for 11 July 2016.
Japanese input symbols are not correctly displayed. Empty symbols are shown on left of the japanese symbols. Exception occurs when entering n japanese symbols with mask = an. For example when Mask = "a4", 4 symbols entered in MaskedTextInput. This might lead to a crash.
SelectAll then Shift + Del makes the need of twice (Ctrl + Z) for successful undo operation.
MaskedInputExtensions.AllowNull is set to False. Select All then Delete makes the Value 0 and the Text is like "______0.00" (contains 0.00) which is expected (this is in Numeric and CurrencyInput). Second time SelectAll and then delete makes the Value 0 but the text becomes "________" which is not expected. Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1124
When you set the IsCurrencySymbolVisible to false and Mask="1.x" you are not able to fill the first digit. For example if you want to insert 1.234 and you press 1 the control fills 0.001 and all other digits can be added at the last position only.
Provide a way to set .5 and display it like 0.5 , not 5.0 in No-Mask Numeric input.
Numeric input with Mask="#7" or CurrencyInput with Mask="c7" . UpdateValueEvent="LostFocus" Value =3000 If you remove the digit "3" with backspace / delete and then type digit 4, You will receive value"4" and text "0004". The expected result is Text="4000" and value =4000. Workaround: Use Mask="" (no-mask). ============= Fixed in R3 2016.
Select text in the RadMaskedTextInput then Ctrl + X cuts the text but Ctrl + V does not paste it. Steps to reproduce: 1) Type 12345. Select 345. 2) Ctr + X. 3) Ctrl + V won't do anything. (345 is not pasted) the result is - "_______________"). Expected result is: "345". This should replace the whole text with the copied one. SelectionStart is not changed after paste. Notes: This bug is only for the scenario Cut + Paste in the MaskedTextInput with Mask. Pasting in No-Masked MaskedTextInput (Mask="") should work much like pasting in normal TextBox (in the same scenario the result should be "12345").
Carets Background is incosistant with the Caret's Background in System.Windows.Control.TextBox. For example, when the Background of the control is Black, the caret shoul be white.
In MaskedNumericInput when Mask="p2" you can not delete/replace the minus "-" sign when you select all and type a digit. With no-mask, select all then typing a digit will remove the negative sign symbol from the text. As a workaround, users can use Mask="", FormatString="p0" and maskedInput:MaskedInputExtensions.Maximum="0.99". Second Workaround: <telerik:RadMaskedNumericInput Mask="p2" Value="-0.25" x:Name="input" PreviewKeyDown="MaskedInput_PreviewKeyDown"/> private void MaskedInput_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { string keyString = e.Key.ToString(); if (keyString.StartsWith("D") && keyString.Length == 2) { if (this.input.SelectionLength == "-AA %".Length) { this.input.ClearCommand.Execute(null); } } } Edit: Actually this is default behavior for NumericIinput with default Masks #9.2. Select All on negative value then pressing digit does not remove the negative sign. This is the reason we will mark this bug as Declined. Please use some of the mentioned workarounds. Please submit a support ticket via our ticketing system if this feature is critical for your business requirement.
When the user inputs digits in the RadMaskedNumericInput and then inputs some Spaces, the Value property is not changed although the UpdateValueEvent="PropertyChanged". It is only changed when the focus is lost.
Currrently the default ContextMenu of the TextBox inside the MaskedInput is used. You have to set it to null in code behind and the create custom ContextMenu in XAML / Code behind to use it successsfully.
User should be able to input , currently only 123.1__.1__.10_ is achievable. IpAddress demo will be added in our SDK with Q2 2014.
Having a Value of type 550.123, then selecting "55" and changing it to 7 produces 7.123 instead of 70.123. Possible workaround is using no-mask (Mask="") and FormatString.
The AcceptReturn=True doesn't work in a MaskedTextInput with Mask="l20" (l is the small letter of L ). Controls behaves expected when the Mask is "a20".
Currently, performing consecutively paste operation does not work like in TextBox. In TextBox the strings are concatenated but in MaskedTextInput the caret is in the beggining and only the first paste is successful. The XAML team has recently reviewed the status of this feature request and will not be addressing it in future. Consecutive Paste operation works in No-Masked scenario (Set Mask=""). Changing the paste behavior in masked scenarios would be a breaking change for some of our clients.
Hitting dot or comma on the keyboard doesn't move the cursor after the decimal separator in the MaskedNumeric/CurrencyInput controls in Mac