Last Updated: 20 Aug 2018 12:46 by Joan
Japanese input symbols are not correctly displayed. Empty symbols are shown on left of the japanese symbols.
Exception occurs when entering  n japanese symbols with mask = an. For example when Mask = "a4", 4 symbols entered in MaskedTextInput. This might lead to a crash.
Last Updated: 08 Dec 2014 17:44 by ADMIN
MaskedInputExtensions.AllowNull is set to False. 

Select All then Delete makes the Value 0 and the Text is like "______0.00" (contains 0.00) which is expected (this is in Numeric and CurrencyInput). 

Second time SelectAll and then delete makes the Value 0 but the text becomes "________" which is not expected. 

Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1124
Last Updated: 28 Dec 2016 13:52 by ADMIN
Numeric input with  Mask="#7" or CurrencyInput with       Mask="c7" .


Value =3000

If you remove the digit "3" with backspace / delete and then type digit 4,  You will receive value"4" and text "0004".

The expected result is Text="4000" and value =4000.

Workaround:  Use Mask="" (no-mask).
Fixed in R3 2016.
Last Updated: 14 May 2014 10:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
Select text in the RadMaskedTextInput then Ctrl + X cuts the text but Ctrl + V does not paste it.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Type 12345. Select 345.
2) Ctr + X.
3) Ctrl + V won't do anything. (345 is not pasted) the result is - "_______________"). 
Expected result is: "345". This  should replace the whole text with the copied one. SelectionStart is not changed after paste.

Notes:  This bug is only for the scenario Cut + Paste in the MaskedTextInput with Mask. 
Pasting in No-Masked MaskedTextInput (Mask="") should work much like pasting in normal TextBox (in the same scenario the result should be "12345"). 
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2014 15:24 by ADMIN
Carets Background is incosistant with the Caret's Background in System.Windows.Control.TextBox.
For example, when the Background of the control is Black, the caret shoul be white.
Last Updated: 14 May 2014 15:28 by ADMIN
When the user inputs digits in the RadMaskedNumericInput and then inputs some Spaces, the Value property is not changed although the UpdateValueEvent="PropertyChanged". It is only changed when the focus is lost.
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 15:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
User should be able to input , currently only 123.1__.1__.10_ is achievable.

IpAddress demo will be added in our SDK with Q2 2014.
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2014 13:58 by ADMIN
The AcceptReturn=True doesn't work in a MaskedTextInput with Mask="l20" (l is the small letter of L ).
Controls behaves expected when the Mask is "a20".
Last Updated: 09 Jul 2014 13:12 by ADMIN
Hitting dot or comma on the keyboard doesn't move the cursor after the decimal separator in the MaskedNumeric/CurrencyInput controls in Mac
Last Updated: 09 Jul 2014 13:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Tina Stancheva
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
The minus key on a Mac keyboard, doesn't toggle the sign of the values in the MaskedNumeric/CurrencyInput controls. However, if an external usb keyboard is attached to the machine, it can be used to toggle the sign as expected.
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2016 11:56 by ADMIN
Change the x:Key of the PreviewInputTextBox style in all themes definitions as at the moment it matches the x:Key of the TextBox style in the System.Windows.xaml.

This is completed in R2  / R3 2013.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:05 by ADMIN
In the Currency and NumericInput controls, clear the sign of the value on SelectAll in order to allow the user to enter a negative value again. At the moment when everything in the controls is selected, the minus key only toggles the sign of the value. Instead you should be able to select a negative value and replace it with another negative value by entering the minus key and the new value.

MinusKeyCustomizations demo is added in our SDK: 
Last Updated: 28 Dec 2016 14:15 by ADMIN
The MaskedNumericInput control doesn't escape formatting characters like 'c' or 'n'.
This is not reproducible in R3 2016 version.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Implement a behavior to allow dymanically changing the FormatString precision specifier
Reason to mark it Completed: Added the "Dynamic Format String" sample in SDK. Will be live with Q2 2014 (mid June)
Last Updated: 02 Aug 2017 14:06 by ADMIN
Old Name was. "Implement a feature to change the Value property based on the Text property ". However, Value is the primary property for this control and that is why we want clients to use Value property, not two-way binding of the Text property that changes the Value internally. That is why we changed the name of the feature request.

Its meaningful and clients will benefit from it. Basically clients want the literals to be included in in the VALUE. And this is meaningful only in TextInput. So new property in RadMaskedTextInput (for ex. IncludeLiteralsInValue) seems fine - Estimate 10. 

Example Scenario: 


User types 123456, Value property becomes "12--34--56" which will have the same value as the Text property.

Example Scenario:

IP Address SDK demo. Look at its code - there is converter in file and convert methods in ViewModel.cs. Both Value and Text are bound. If Value includes the dots, only 1 converter and 1 2way bingding would do the job with less code.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Pasting values in the controls, clears the current value in order to paste the new content
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
We set the AutomationProperties.Name property of a RadMaskedInput control.
This property is not applied in the control (if checked with the UI Spy) the Name automation property is not the set one, but the control's value.
This forces the MS Narrator to read the value of the control instead of the desired one.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Change the InputBehavior when deleting digits after the decimal symbol: For example if the cursor position is marked with '|': Enter: 1234,56|78  (press 'del') Result: 1234,560|8 - change this behavior so that the result can be 1234,56|8.


We can split the request into 2 desired results. Input: 1234.56|78. Pressing Delete

1) Produces Value 1234.5680 but NOT 1234.5608

Solution: Can be achieved with using No-Mask, FormatString and overriding MaskedNumeric/Currency Input and the protected method ReplaceChar. This is demonstrated in the attached sample.

2) (1) is True + Last zero is removed => 1234.568 but NOT 1234.5680

Solution: 2 is tightly coupled with changing the FormatString or Mask dynamically. There is no way to see number 123.456 if the Mask is "x.4" or the Mask is "" + format string is "n4". To see 3 digits only after the decimal point you need to change the Mask to "x.3" or the FormatString (in no-masked scenario) to "n3". This cannot be built-in feature because it changes a public property set by the client. So, this is custom behavior, it is also demonstrated in the SDK demo DynamicFormatString (it is pushed in GitHub with Q2 2014 Release)
Last Updated: 07 May 2018 08:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Feature Request
Add built in masks for Email, IP, Phone, etc. Add design time support for this.
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