Last Updated: 16 Aug 2017 10:53 by ADMIN
When a paragraph is triple-clicked, then the whole paragraph is selected. However, when there is a table beneath the paragraph and triple-click action is performed for the paragraph (or a selection is created including the end of the paragraph), the table's first row is selected as well.
Last Updated: 24 Aug 2017 10:52 by ADMIN
There is no translation in the different languages.

Available in LIB Version 2017.2.828.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Tanya
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
RadRichTextBox always shows more than one page when there is enough space on the screen to render them next to each other. Expose an option to show one page view.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017 11:10 by ADMIN
The MoveToCurrentWordEnd will move to a character before the last position when called from the last position in a word and the word is surrounded by annotations.
The MoveToCurrentWordStart will move to the previous word when called from the first position in a word and the word is surrounded by annotations

The behavior is also unexpected for MoveToFirstPositionInParagraph, MoveToLastPositionInParagraph. 
Last Updated: 15 Aug 2017 07:23 by ADMIN
Hi Team,
              I am sending one html body to outlook 2013 which contain bulletedlist, till my desktop app its bullets are looking ok. but after sending it to outlook new email body, there are too much space between bullet and inline text, please provide input, how can i handle it.
I think my bullets having different pattern which outlook 2013 doesn't support.
Do i need to add any other property background position : inside; something like.

Please find the attachments,
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2017 09:38 by ADMIN
When word contains non-letters symbols at its start and/or end, it's always considered incorrect by the spell checker, even when it's present in the spell checking dictionary. The most common case is with abbreviations like "dr.", which should be invalid when are typed without the period ("dr"), but valid otherwise ("dr.")

Partial workaround: add the word without the punctuation to the dictionary. The problem is that the word without the punctuation will also be considered correct.
Last Updated: 25 Aug 2017 06:38 by ADMIN
Currently, the document won't be imported due to an exception when decoding the base64 string image source. The expected behavior is the document to be imported and the image to be shown as a missing image.

Available in LIB Version 2017.2.731.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017 10:51 by ADMIN
IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when some JPEG file in the document has Scan Header with fewer components than the Frame Header. The current JpegDecoder implementation requires both JPEG Headers to have the same number of components.

WORKAROUND: PdfImagesCompressionMode.Automatic option may be used in the PdfFormatProvider export settings. This way all JPEG images will be exported to PDF without decoding their pixels and the PDF file will be exported successfully. 
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Tanya
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
These tags define deleted and inserted content to markup updates and modifications in a document. They can be used to export the revisions of a document when Track Changes is enabled.
Last Updated: 17 Jul 2018 15:12 by ADMIN
When the RadRichTextBox is focused via clicking on it or via RadRichTextBox.Focus() the visual feedback is not diplayed.

Workaround: create a style trigger for that (for example for the Office2016 theme):

<Style TargetType="{x:Type telerik:RadRichTextBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadRichTextBoxStyle}">
        <Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocusWithin" Value="True">
            <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{telerik:Office2016Resource ResourceKey=AccentFocusedBrush}" />
            <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:14 by ADMIN
Add support for associated character properties when importing from RTF. Such properties are 
\rtlch, \ltrch, and the associated control words like \afN, \loch, \hich, and \dbch.
Currently, runs/bullets with such properties set could be imported with different character properties.

Workaround: Use the supported \f tag for the most common low-ANSI characters, for example by:
- doing the following replaces in the source document:
\loch\af -> \loch\f
\dbch\f -> \dbch\af
- (Possible workaround) Re-saving the document with MS Word
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017 08:41 by ADMIN
When the document instance is changed (setting RadRichTextBox.Document property to new RadDocument instance), the old document is not released from the memory. There are UI providers, which are not properly removed from the layer's collection.

The issue is regression, introduced in R3 2016.

Workaround 1: Subscribe to DocumentChanging and set the layout mode of RadRichTextBox to Paged. Reset it back to Flow on DocumentChanged.

void radRichTextBox_DocumentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.radRichTextBox.LayoutMode = DocumentLayoutMode.Flow;

void radRichTextBox_DocumentChanging(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.radRichTextBox.LayoutMode = DocumentLayoutMode.Paged;

Workaround 2: Remove the WatermarkUILayer. You can achieve that by creating a custom UILayersBuilder. For more information on this approach, check the help article at http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radrichtextbox/how-to/features-custom-ui-layers

protected override void BuildUILayersOverride(Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.IUILayerContainer uiLayerContainer)

Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.724.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017 06:19 by ADMIN
EMF images cannot be natively parsed by the WPF framework and are not supported in RadRichTextBox. Stop the exception so the document can be imported.

Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.724.
Last Updated: 30 Jun 2017 14:31 by ADMIN
When the LayotMode of RadRichTextBox is set to Flow and a Table is inserted as the first element in this document, the adorner icon is cut off by the document edge and cannot be used.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:14 by ADMIN
The bullets can have their own alignment. Implement import and export of this setting.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:54 by ADMIN
Current implementation of Text UI automation pattern doesn't support obtaining the attributes of the selection, e.g. bold, italic, etc.

The API allows returning custom ITextRangeProvider where the behavior could be implemented , but this requires a lot of work. 

If this is built-in, the API will allow getting the attributes as follows:

            var automationPeer = (RadRichTextBoxAutomationPeer)FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(this.radRichTextBox);
            TextPattern textPattern = (TextPattern)automationPeer.GetPattern(PatternInterface.Text);

            object isItalic = textPattern.GetSelection()[0].GetAttributeValue(TextPattern.IsItalicAttribute);
            if (isItalic == TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue)
                // mixed
                bool italic = (bool)isItalic;

Currently, AutomationElement.NotSupported is always returned.
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 12:38 by ADMIN
When the control is used in NoXaml scenario and the required resources are merged in the resources of the Window/UserControl containing RadRichTextBox, XamlParseException is thrown at runtime with a message "Cannot find resource named 'thumbStroke'."
the App.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries is cleared.

Workaround: Merge Telerik.Windows.Documents.xaml and Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.xaml in App.xaml.
Merge the resourced before initializing RadRichTextBox:
 App.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(new ResourceDictionary()
                Source = new Uri("/Telerik.Windows.Documents;component/Themes/Styles/ImageAdornerUIResourcesDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)

Fix available in R3 2017 Official Release version.
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2017 10:39 by ADMIN
When some cells are merged in one cell and context menu is displayed for the merged cell, "Merge Cells" option is still available in the menu. However it should not be available for a merged cell.
Last Updated: 15 Jun 2017 12:52 by ADMIN
Selection doesn't work as expected at the end of a Paragraph. If the user holds down the mouse button down and drags just after the paragraph end (in the free space after the last line), the end of paragraph symbol is unexpectedly selected when the mouse hovers the end of paragraph symbol.

Instead, the first letter before the paragraph end should be selected, but only after the mouse hovers it.

Steps to reproduce: 
- Add two paragraphs.
- Click in the empty space just after the end of the last line of the first paragraph, and start moving in direction of opposite to the text flow (left in LTR text case).
Expected: Text is selected only after the mouse passes the first symbol before the paragraph end.
Actual: Paragraph end symbol is selected as soon as the mouse hovers it.
Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017 12:10 by ADMIN
Hyperlink tooltip is not changed when the HyperlinkNavigationMode property of RadRichTextBox is changed.

Workaround: Invoke radRichTextBox.ActiveEditorPresenter.RecreateUI() method just after the property value change:
this.radRichTextBox.HyperlinkNavigationMode = HyperlinkNavigationMode.Click;

Steps to reproduce:
1. Insert a hyperlink in RTB.
2. On button click change the HyperlinkNavigationMode.

Observe: The tooltip is not changed from Click to ... Ctrl + Click to .. and vise versa.