Add Style for easier customization of the Vertical / Horizontal resizers
Currently , there is no possible way to drag an object fromt he Outlookbar's Popup and drop it outside the OutlookBar
The Metro theme isn't properly applied on the RadOutlookBarItems if it is set in the RadOutlookBar definition: <telerik:RadOutlookBar telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Metro" />
Add a property which changes the minimize button orientation.
TabIndex/Tab navigation is not working inside OutlookBar.
When the OutlookBar is minimized during run-time change of themes the text set to item's header overlaps the minimizing toggle button. You can work this around by creating a custom control that derives from RadOutlookBar and override its OnApplyTemplate() method. Inside the method call the protected VisualStateChanged() method. public class CustomOutlookBar : RadOutlookBar { public override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); this.ChangeVisualState(false); } } Available in the R1 2017 SP1 Release.
If you set the SmallIcon property of a RadOutlookBarItem and you minimize the item the icon will not be visualized. Note that the icon is not visualized when a certain item goes in the popup.
There should be a way to swtich items and navigate the content easily using the keyboard only.
Implement "Add or Remove Buttons" functionality as in MS OutlookBar.
Add StyleTypedProperty to MinimizedArea to aleviate editting the item container style of the MinimizedAreaItem.
There should be a way to set horizontal orientation for the items of the OutlookBar.
Easily customize the bottom menu with user defined RadMenu items.
Add a possibility for the vertical resizer to act as the GridSplitter. More information in the support ticket.
Add a tooltip to the OutlookBarItems when the OutlookBar is minimized Approach to implement: Descriptions of the minimized RadOutlookBarItems can be achieved in WPF via: <Style TargetType="telerik:RadOutlookBarItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadOutlookBarItemStyle}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type telerik:RadOutlookBar}}, Path=IsMinimized}" Value="True"> <Setter Property="ToolTipService.ToolTip" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Header}" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> or by adding this trigger to the RadOutlookBarItem's ControlTemplate.Triggers
The foreground of the content in the pop-up when the OutlookBar is minimized in Windows8 (Metro) and Windows8Touch themes is wrong - it is white like the background.
Tooltip is shown on horizontal splitter when ActiveItemsMaxCount = 0 but it shouldn't show since the splitter cannot be moved
When the selected item is Collapsed, the RadOutlookBar still displays its content and Title
Add a section, separate from Content area
Create integration example with TransitionControl.
When the OutlookBar is minimized and you click the right splitter without moving it. Then the outlookbar is still minimized does not expand to the previous expanded position