Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Petya
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Petya
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 07 Oct 2014 13:45 by ADMIN
Created by: valerio
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Bug Report
Try to evaluate the financial dashboard based on RadDiagram WPF solution ,  but cannot build because the tag Metrotheme doesn't exist in XML namespace.
Running evaluation product 2014
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by ADMIN
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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by ADMIN
With the latest internal build, using RadPdfProcessing we can import and extract all geometrical path definitions from a pdf document in a very robust fashion, well done! However, it seems like we cannot extract any layer definitions(name, visibility) and the association definition between a layer and its referencing geometry paths. 

Definitely a critical piece that needs to be included in RadPdfProcessing because the extraction of layer definitions is as important as the extraction of geometry definitions and usually one would expect them to come hand-in-hand when extracting content out from a pdf document.

Nonetheless, well done with the current iteration of the RadPdfProcessing, its almost there!
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Last Updated: 08 Oct 2014 07:58 by ADMIN
The email was rejected somehow, so I post the reply here.

And you website can NOT upload any file!

I have still evaluated the UI for WPF. 

I found the component is not so compatible with Chinese which it is addressed as following snapshot:

1) Define some Chinese menu in XAML(Use one of demo example you provided)

2) compile error: Invalid  character  specified, line 31, position 54, .'' XML invalid.

3) If the menu is changed to ASCII, it compile successful.

I hope the problem will be solved A.S.A.P before I make a decision.

邹生华 Steven Zou 

在 2014-09-20 10:09:39,"Alex Zinn" <> 写道:

Hi Sun,

To follow up on my previous email, I was curious how your evaluation is going?

I also wanted to check in to see which resources (support tickets, forums, blogs, Telerik TV) you found the most useful during your evaluation, and if you encountered anything that would prevent you from recommending Telerik?

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Alex Zinn
Product Specialist, ALM Tools
Telerik Inc.
p: (888) 365-2779 x3223

Are you enjoying Telerik products? Why not join our fan page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

From: Alex Zinn
Subject: Telerik Trial Follow Up

Hi Sun,

I noticed you recently downloaded a 30 day trial of UI for WPF. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that come up during your evaluation period. I would be happy to help you.

I will be in touch next week to see how your evaluation is going.
Alex Zinn
Product Specialist, ALM Tools
Telerik Inc.
p: (888) 365-2779 x3223

Are you enjoying Telerik products? Why not join our fan page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

#AWFT 10156797

Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by Mat
Created by: Mihail
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 04 Nov 2014 13:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Tobias
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Provide complete Outlook 2013 Navigation Bar with item managemet (Sort, Hide Item, PersistenceManager, ....)
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2014 12:38 by ADMIN
Now that Apple released a beta for Cloudkit for Windows to access iCloud Drive, support from your CloudUpload component would be great. Also OneDrive and Dropbox support are welcomed.
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2014 13:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Kennet
Comments: 2
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Since you gave us CloudUpload, how about a "CloudDownload" so I can get the stuff I uploaded...

Also native support for OneDrive and Dropbox would be nice.

Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikolay Demirev
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by Jon
Created by: Kammen
Comments: 2
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Support for forms. The feature is named 'Interactive forms' in the PDF specification.
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Last Updated: 04 Aug 2016 11:41 by ADMIN
We need to produce a pdf copy of an html(aspx) page and stream it to the client. Many of components in your library uses Javascript to create html. 
When you create the support for pdf we would like to use your library to do this job.
At the moment we are using another third party library to do this since it also supports Javascript.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Kammen
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Petya
Comments: 2
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikolay Demirev
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 06 Mar 2019 12:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Kammen
Comments: 3
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:37 by ADMIN
Please provide XMLFormatProvider with RadSpreadProcessing so that we can import xml and export excel and vice a versa. This would be needed in UI fro win forms and asp .net as well.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2017 12:33 by Stefano
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Last Updated: 30 Jun 2014 14:01 by Renier Pretorius
Created by: Renier Pretorius
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
The property grid (and normal grids for that matter) generate label entry pairs for each property of an object, probably using reflection to iterate over them. We have a need to manage object properties as a collection of property objects (allowing additional properties to be added at run time - dynamic objects). It would be great if the auto generate source could be set to the properties collection.