Right now, RadCloudUpload supports only Win32 OpenFileDialog and when we want to use styled RadOpenFileDialog we have to hide the default button and add custom code to open our styled dialog. RadCloudUpload should allow to choose which dialog to use and a way to provide additional customization to the dialog before its opening.
Introduced a new property UploadResult of the CloudUploadFile that contains the upload result. This upload result is set to be the return value of the UploadFile() method implemented in the upload provider. And the result can be obtained in the handler of RadCloudUpload's ItemStateChanged event, when the new state is uploaded. Will be available in Q2 2016 Release.
The CloudUpload control uses a browse button to select files. Though we can override the OpenFileDialog to add our own filters, we also support drag/drop as the upload trigger. It would be nice if we could give the CloudUpload control a list of files, and bypass the need for a browse button.