Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017 10:40 by ADMIN
#.##0,00;-#.##0,00;;@ does not work in RadSpreadsheet. It should suppress visualizing of ) values.

Workaround: #.##0,00;-#.##0,00; ;@ works fine (there is ' ' [space] set for the zero values).
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2017 10:35 by ADMIN
Setting the visible size property to a small number, like 10,10, will result in missing the last column right border and last row bottom border.
Last Updated: 09 Jun 2017 08:42 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 15 May 2017 10:38 by ADMIN
NullReferenceException is thrown when the VisibleSize property of RadSpreadsheet is set more than once on two (or more) adjacent lines. For example:

spreadsheet.VisibleSize = new SizeI(1, 1);
spreadsheet.VisibleSize = new SizeI(5, 5);

To work this around you can increase the time between the settings of the VisibleSize property. For example you can use the ActiveSheetEditorChanged event of RadSpreadsheet and the ActivePresenterChanged event of the ActiveWorksheetEditor, and the UIUpdated event of the ActivePresenter. Each time the VisibleSize is changed, the ActiveWorksheetEditor will be recreated along with its ActivePresenter. You should make sure the second, third, etc. setting of the VisibleSize is executed after the new ActivePresenter is loaded. This can be done in the UIUpdated event.
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2017 14:19 by ADMIN
When the VisibleSize property of the spreadsheet control is set (for example new SizeI(10, 10)) and column is selected via its header (click on it), the IsColumnSelection property of the ActiveWorksheetEditor's Selection returns False. This applies also for the IsRowSelection property.
Last Updated: 07 Mar 2017 09:26 by ADMIN
If you try to filter a column which contains a cell with applied font color and the project is run in debug mode with enabled C# exceptions, it throws ArgumentException at System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext td, CultureInfo ci, Object value). The exception is handled and the functionality is working as expected, however this may be annoying during debugging projects containing RadSpreadsheet.
Last Updated: 09 Feb 2017 09:48 by ADMIN
If you need to set a custom type number format (using Format cell dialog) and enter some additional text in Type TextBox and press Enter key, the changes are not applied.

Steps to reproduce: 

1. Insert some time in a cell in spreadsheet (22:20)

2. Apply it a custom format that contains AM/PM (e.g. "h:mm AM/PM") and press Enter key

Observed: The AM/PM format is missing

Expected: AM or PM should be shown after the time

Workaround: Press OK button or first click somewhere else in order to change the focus
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