WindowForms - the source code(RadControlsVS2010) does not build in Debug40 configuration.
When maximizing child form in MDI container form with Windows8theme applied, the theming of the MDI buttons would be missing.
To reproduce: - Create a treeview with the Visual Studio 2012 Light theme. - Add multiple nodes to the tree - Select the first node - While hovering the selected first node with the mouse press the down arrow to select the next node - The text of the first node will stay white while the hover background will also be white making the text seem like it vanishes. Workaround: - Open the theme in Visual Style Builder - Expand the tree view in the Controls Structure window - In the ElementState window select MouseOver state - Add Normal Fore Color font style to the mouse over state
To reproduce: Dock a window under another with these themes( blue black silver): instead of docking under, it docks overs as if over the tab icon instead of the down arrow. Workaround: -Extract the predefined themes -Open the Office2010blue theme with Visual Style Builder -In the control structure window select RadDock - Docking Guides -Expand DockingGuidesElement and select BottomImage -In the Elements window expand DockingGuidesElement and set filter to changed properties -Change LocationOnCenterGuide property to 45;90 -Save the theme and use it in your application
To reproduce: - Apply the Office2013Light theme to a RadDock with document windows. - Set ShowDocumentCloseButton to true. - You will notice that the close button does not appear.
Change the gestures logic so it can be enabled/disabled per-control. see Control1.SupportsGestures property
Expose the SupportsGesture property in the GestureInfoHelper class to enable users to enable/disable gesture support manually. Workaround: set the field with Reflection private void DisableGestures() { Type gestureHelperType = typeof(GestureInfoHelper); FieldInfo field = gestureHelperType.GetField("supportsGestures", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); field.SetValue(null,false); }
To reproduce: Add a RadSpinEditor with one of the following themes: Breeze Desert Office2010Black/Silver/Blue Office2013Light/Dark VisualStudio2012Light Windows8 Put your mouse over the RadSpinEditor and quickly move it out. You will notice that the border is not being reset. Workaround: From VisualStyleBuilder remove the border of RadSpinEditorElement on ContainsMouse
One should not be able to trigger a shortcut if the element that has the shortcut assigned is disabled.
The design of RadButton in ControlDefault Default state should be implemented through setting the BorderBoxStyle to OuterInnerBorder. When the default drawing is used, however, the inner border introduces visual glitches in the control's corners.
Register themes as components
There is an exception when setting LightVisualElement.Text property to null.
1. Create a new project and add a RadGridView 2. Add a large number of columns (e.g 400) 3. Apply grouping 4. Run on a citrix environment or a virtual machine
Resolution: The issue is no longer reproducible under OS Windows 2008 Server
1. Create a new project with RadCarousel. 2. Add some items. 3. On item click change the current theme. 4. Run the project and click an item.
1. Create a new project and setup a splash screen. 2. While the splash screen loads create a screen tip. 3. Run the project
Tool-tips are not visible when they cannot find its parent control form.
Example: Add a single tile in RadPanorama, set it with RoundRectShape(12) and set an image with size equal to the size of the tile. The image will be drawn outside the bounds of the shape.
Events like MouseUp, MouseLeave, MouseEnter, etc. should be available at design time.
Create an MDI application. When you maximize an MDI Child form you will see that the restore button has a maximize icon instead of restore one. This is true for the following themes: ControlDefault, Office2010Blue, Office2010Black