Last Updated: 13 Feb 2012 05:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
1. Create application with MDI
2. Add menu to the container form
3. Add a shortcut and on shortcut click open a new child form
4. Run the project and click the shortcut several times
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2012 08:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
1. Create a new project and add RadThemeManager
2. Add several themes located as resources
3. Run the project and only a few of the themes will apply
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2014 09:05 by ADMIN
1. Create a new project and open a form in design mode.
2. Drop some controls.
3. Add RadThemeManager and add some theme.
4. Set the ThemeName property of some control to the newly added theme.
5. Remove the RadThemeManager component.
6. The theme remains applied.
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2012 02:36 by ADMIN
1. Open a RadForm ad design time.
2. Drop a theme component.
3. Open the RadForm.ThemeName drop down list and you will see only Reset and ControlDefault options.
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2012 02:59 by ADMIN
1. Run a project containing RadRibbonBar with Office2010Blue theme
2. Compare with Q1 2012 SP1
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2012 04:06 by ADMIN
1. Create a new project and open a form at design time.
2. Add RadTreeView. 
3. Add Office2007Black theme component.
4. Set the ThemeName property of RadTreeView to Office2007Black.
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2012 05:00 by ADMIN
1. Create a new form and add command bar in it.
2. Add a split button with one item 
3. On item click add code to show RadForm.
4. Run the project and click the item to show the form.
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2017 07:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Alexander
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
The issue can be reproduced following the scenario:
1. Create theme for RadLabel and define its Image in the theme. The images should be different for the different element states of the label.
2. Use a RadThemeManager to apply the theme to the control in design time. The Image property will be serialized, assigned to the image of the default element state. Setting the local value of the property in this case prevents applying the images of the other states, defined in the theme.
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2014 10:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Georgi I. Georgiev
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce: Add a RabRibbonBar, add a ribbonGroup, set the theme to windows7, run the application, autohide the ribbon's content element. Click on one of the tabs and you will notice that there is a space between the tab and the content.
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2013 07:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Georgi I. Georgiev
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce: You must use Windows Server 2008. Add a RadTreeView set its theme to Windows8 and drag a node. Exception occurs in rare cases and is hardly reproducible.
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2013 06:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Georgi I. Georgiev
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce:
Add a form, set its theme to VisualStudio2012Light, start the project he black border is visible.

Open VisualStyleBuilder -> Navigate to RadForm -> RadFormElement -> TitleBar -> From the elements window select TitleBorder -> from the repositories apply TitleBarBorder
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2014 11:36 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
Open Demo Application, open editors, open Time Picker Exception should occur.
The exception occurs if the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\TimeZoneKeyName is missing from the registries.

Restore the registry file as per this MSDN article -
Last Updated: 23 Aug 2013 08:54 by ADMIN
If the list of shortcuts contains a null value exception occurs.
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2013 05:32 by ADMIN
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and bind it.
2. Set the DisableHtmlFormatting property for a column to false.
3. Handle the CellFormatting event and use the Text property to change the cell font. For example:

 e.CellElement.Text = "<html><b>AASA:</b><size=15><font='Comic Sans MS'><color=green>qwert qwertwe";

4. Run the project and check the cell font.
Last Updated: 02 Nov 2012 07:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
1. Create a plugin for AutoCAD.
2. Place RadListView in your user control and set tooltips.
3. Test the plugin and try to show a tool tip.
Last Updated: 18 Aug 2014 10:09 by ADMIN
1. Create a new project and add RadLabel.
2. In form constructor apply PositionOffset animation and set its apply delay to 200.
3. Run the project.
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2021 07:21 by ADMIN
Release Q2 2012 SP1
1. Create a new project and add RadForm.
2. Open the form at design time.
3. Set its ThemeName to ControlDefault.
4. Choose the Reset option from the ThemeName drop down.
5. Repeat this operation several times and watch how form size changes.
Last Updated: 13 Jul 2012 06:08 by ADMIN
1. Create a new project and add a button.
2. Set the following text to the button:
<html><p><strong>A header in bold font</strong></p><p>and this text is missing!!</p></html>
3. Run the project.
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2014 08:13 by ADMIN
1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Add a combobox column. 3. Run the project and run Jaws. 4. Edit the combobox column and change its value. Jaws will not show any indication that the cell value is changed.

We researched this case further and found that the Microsoft Accessibility (etc Jaws) can read only the editors in grid which contains Controls. By default ComboBoxColumn's DropDownStyle property is set DropDownList and in this mode the text box control is hidden cannot be edited. Also, when users using the arrow key for navigation the DropDown pop-up control is not visible etc. in this scenario there is no control which can be read from Jaws.    public class MyDropDownEditorElement : RadItem    {        RadHostItem hostItem;        RadDropDownList dropDownListControl;

        public MyDropDownEditorElement()


            this.dropDownListControl = new RadDropDownList();

            this.dropDownListControl.MinimumSize = new Size(160, 20);

            this.hostItem = new RadHostItem(this.dropDownListControl);

            this.hostItem.MinSize = new Size(160, 20);


            this.MinSize = new Size(50, 20);


        public RadDropDownList DropDownListControl


            get {return this.dropDownListControl;}


        protected override SizeF MeasureOverride(SizeF availableSize)


            this.hostItem.MinSize = availableSize.ToSize();

            this.dropDownListControl.MinimumSize = availableSize.ToSize();

            return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize);



    public class MyDropDownControlEditor : BaseGridEditor


        public override object Value




                RadDropDownListElement editor = (this.EditorElement as MyDropDownEditorElement).DropDownListControl.DropDownListElement;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor.ValueMember))


                    return editor.SelectedValue;


                if (editor.SelectedItem != null)


                    return editor.SelectedItem.Text;


                return editor.Text;




                RadDropDownListElement editor = (this.EditorElement as MyDropDownEditorElement).DropDownListControl.DropDownListElement;

                if (value == null)


                    editor.SelectedItem = null;


                else if (editor.ValueMember == null)


                    editor.SelectedItem = editor.ListElement.Items[editor.FindStringExact(value.ToString())];




                    editor.SelectedValue = value;




        public override void BeginEdit()




            GridViewComboBoxColumn column = ((GridViewComboBoxColumn)(((GridComboBoxCellElement)(EditorElement.Parent)).ColumnInfo));

             RadDropDownList element =  ((MyDropDownEditorElement)this.EditorElement).DropDownListControl;      

            if (column.OwnerTemplate != null)


                this.EditorElement.BindingContext = column.OwnerTemplate.BindingContext;


            element.DataSource = null;

            element.FilterExpression = string.Empty;            

            element.ValueMember = column.ValueMember != null ? column.ValueMember : column.DisplayMember;

            element.DisplayMember = column.DisplayMember != null ? column.DisplayMember : column.ValueMember;

            element.DataSource = column.DataSource;

            element.SelectedIndex = -1;

            element.AutoCompleteMode = column.AutoCompleteMode;

            element.DropDownStyle = column.DropDownStyle;

            ((MyDropDownEditorElement)this.EditorElement).DropDownListControl.SelectedIndexChanged += new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventHandler(DropDownListControl_SelectedIndexChanged);



        void DropDownListControl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventArgs e)




        public override bool EndEdit()


            ((MyDropDownEditorElement)this.EditorElement).DropDownListControl.SelectedIndexChanged -= new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventHandler(DropDownListControl_SelectedIndexChanged);

            return base.EndEdit();


        protected override RadElement CreateEditorElement()


            return new MyDropDownEditorElement();


Last Updated: 24 Jan 2012 04:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: UI Framework
Type: Bug Report
The RadElement Click event is fired also when the validation is not complete (valid) in focused control on the Form. The event must be suspended in this situation like RadButton Click event.