Last Updated: 15 Mar 2023 15:12 by ADMIN

Use the following code in the project:

    Private Sub btnToggleWW_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnToggleWW.Click
        RadSyntaxEditor1.IsWordWrapEnabled = Not RadSyntaxEditor1.IsWordWrapEnabled
        Me.Text = RadSyntaxEditor1.IsWordWrapEnabled.ToString()

    End Sub

When you enable the word wrapping, the horizontal scrollbar is collapsed:

However, when the word wrapping is disabled, the scrollbar doesn't reappear anymore:

Last Updated: 27 Jun 2022 11:31 by Dinko
Created by: Dinko
Comments: 0
Category: SyntaxEditor
Type: Feature Request
Currently, you search in the entire document. Add options like in the Visual Studio or Notepad++ to choose where to search and replace. Those options should be in the entire document (like the default behavior) or the current selection. 
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2020 12:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Ken
Comments: 0
Category: SyntaxEditor
Type: Feature Request
We would like to take advantage of hyperlinks to show the user the "friendly name" of an identifier while in the actual script, we store the identifier index. This enables the user to change the friendly name of any identifier without having to go through all scripts that references the identifier, since they are stored as an index. We allow the user to click on the hyperlink which brings up an "Identifier Picker" that lets the user select identifiers defined in the system.
Last Updated: 03 Dec 2020 10:14 by ADMIN

This is the current implementation that is used in RadSyntaxEditor when navigating to the next/previous word, start/end of the current word, etc. It would be good to have an event that allows you to specify the ChartType according to your needs and thus affecting the words navigation in the document.

        internal static CharType GetCharType(char c)
            if (CharsToBeTreatedAsDefault.Contains(c))
                return CharType.Default;

            if (LineBreak.IsLineBreak(c))
                return CharType.NewLine;

            if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                return CharType.WhiteSpace;

            if (char.IsPunctuation(c) || char.IsSymbol(c))
                return CharType.PunctuationOrSymbol;

            return CharType.Default;

Last Updated: 15 Dec 2020 08:05 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2021 12:13 by ADMIN

This is how it is parsed in Microsoft SQL server Management Studio:

Last Updated: 10 Sep 2021 10:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Steve
Comments: 0
Category: SyntaxEditor
Type: Feature Request
Currently, when you copy the content in RadSyntaxEditor and paste it in MS Word, the highlighting is lost and the pasted content is inserted as plain text. It would be really a nice feature to preserve the highlight as well which may require implementing some kind of exporting the content to .docx or .rtf.