XmlFoldingTagger throws while entering XML. When closing the root tag on the next line, the Tagger throws once you enter the '/' (before.png -> after.png).
Adding a second opening tag and converting it to closing by inserting the '/' afterwards works.
When adding a child tag, the tagger offers to fold the unfinished tag against the root closing tag, and throws if you try to do so.
Please refer to the attached gif file.
Workaround: set bottom padding by setting the SyntaxEditorElement.HorizontalScrollBar.Padding property.
mySyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.HorizontalScrollBar.Padding = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 2);
When I setup and OverloadList, the OverloadListWindow follows the cursor and can move off screen so the user can't see/read the information that is presented.
Workaround: adjust the position of the overload window when it is shown:
private void OverloadListWindow_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShapedForm f = sender as ShapedForm;
Screen myScreen = Screen.FromControl(this);
Rectangle area = myScreen.WorkingArea;
if (f.Left + f.Width > area.Width)
f.Left = area.Width - f.Width -5;
Setting the SyntaxEditorElement.IsReadOnly property to true disables editing the text inside RadSyntaxEditor. However, when opening the Find and Replace dialog, the user is still allowed to replace the text and thus change the content in the document. This shouldn't be allowed when the control is in read-only mode.
this.radSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.InputHandler = new MyInputBehavior(this.radSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement); public class MyInputBehavior : SyntaxEditorInputBehavior { public MyInputBehavior(RadSyntaxEditorElement editor) : base(editor) { } protected override void PerformOpenFileDialog(KeyEventArgs e) { this.SyntaxEditor.SearchPanel.ReplaceAllButton.Enabled = false; this.SyntaxEditor.SearchPanel.ReplaceButton.Enabled = false; this.SyntaxEditor.SearchPanel.ReplaceTextBox.Enabled = false; base.PerformOpenFileDialog(e); } }