Last Updated: 13 Mar 2023 11:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin
Comments: 2
Category: VirtualGrid
Type: Feature Request

Right now, when a VirtualGridDateTimeEditor is displayed in a RadVirtualGrid, and the user chooses to enter the date (and not use the date time picker), then the user has to enter the date inclusing the separators.

So a Dutch date has format: "dd-MM-yyyy", and the user has to enter "31-12-2023", including the dashes.

Hereby my request for a new feature:  Entering dates without the separators / dashes, thus: "3112023". So at the moment the user enters two digits, move to the next segment, etc. The request goes for the time segments.

This would be a performance gain while doing a lot of data entry.

Last Updated: 15 Sep 2023 10:54 by ADMIN

Repro steps:

  1. Create a RadVirtualGrid
  2. Give it a DateTime column
  3. Make sure the editor (VirtualGridDateTimeEditor) accepts dutch formats for dates (dd-MM-yyyy)
  4. Add a row with value: 30-11-2023

  5. Double click on the value and try to change it my literally typing: "31-12-2023"

Observed behavior:

  • A field with the value 01-12-2023

    (this happens as soon as you type "31")
  • The user needs to first enter the month, then the day to correct this.

Expected behavior:

  • A field with the value: 31-12-2023

Observation / suggestion:

  • The controle tries to validate and correct EVERY input, even when the input is not finished yet. Everybody knows "31-11-2023" is an incorrect value. But during changing it, this should not matter. The scope at that point should be: Making the user happy by accepting the input. When the user leaves the field, or enters the last digit, validation should take place. Or, if halfway entering the value, the totale date is invalid, do not change it and wait for the user to complete.


Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021 13:39 by ADMIN

dear sir ,

i have a problem keydown event does not fire in add new row ?

i want to move to the next cell when i hit Enter key after entering new value and when i reach the last cell of the add new row and type enter the new row will automatically added to the grid....

what's i have to do.....

please any suggest ? thx