To reproduce: - Start the attached project. - Collapse and then expand the group. - The label should remain hidden. Workaround: bool labelVisiable = false; private void TxtIdNro_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtIdNro.Visible && !labelVisiable) { txtIdNro.Visible = false; } }
To reproduce: - Add layout control to a standard Form. - Make the form smaller so a scrollbar appears in the layout control. - There is an exception when you are scrolling. Workaround: Use RadForm instaed.
To reproduce: - Create a new project and add a blank user control to it. - Add RadLayoutControl to the user control. - Add another control to the layout control. Workaround Use a form instead of user control. Then add the controls from the form at runtime.
Workaround: set a White back color to the control in the designer or use the attached custom theme