Last Updated: 10 Jan 2018 10:26 by Aleksandar
The tiles returned from the Bing rest imagery api are not using the latest road tile source. Customers are comparing our integrated maps to the Bing Maps website and complaining that our integrated maps are out of date. Microsoft has added "RoadOnDemand" as an imagerySet value to target the latest tiles. The currently implemented "Road" value is considered legacy.
Attached are images comparing the new Bing tiles and legacy.

Please follow this feature request already logged in our portal.
Currently, you can implement custom map provider and hardcode the link addressing the RoadOnDemand service.

We will not add OrdnanceSurvey mode when we add CanvasModes and OnDemandmodes, as it requires more effort and different development setup.
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2014 07:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrey
Comments: 0
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
The problem happens in the VisualizationLayer when map is zoomed in on a shape with the stroke thickness set. The stroke doesn't scale down until the map has stopped zooming. This creates an unwanted side effect where the borders of the shape can get really huge/thick while the user is zooming into the shape, and when the zooming stops, the borders jump down to thickness of 1. We should improve map shape visualization in the VisualizationLayer to avoid this side effect.
Last Updated: 31 May 2014 14:58 by Alex
The MapShapeBindableWrappers such as the MapPolylineView should support binding to properties like the Visibility property.