Expose an event where the key combinations that (don't)show the KeyTips can be customized.
When the DropDownButton in an ApplicationMenu is clicked, the DropDown area should not be closed (see MS Excel for reference).
RibbonGroup collection can be populated only w/ buttons from the designer
QAT should have overflow
Make the gallery resizable
Any group or button can be right clicked and added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).
Expose properties to control the BackstageItem.Icon size
If you delay adding a RibbonView in a RibbonWindow, the RibbonView is placed on top of the window, hiding its TitleBar.
When both Command and IsEnabled of RadRibbonBackstage are bound, the Command has Higher priority. This is inconsistency with the behavior of Buttons and RadButtons. The RadRibbonBackStageItems should work like RadButtons.
The KeyTips of RadMenuItems go behind the menu when hovering over the RadMenuItem. This issue seems to be related to the ScreenTip/ToolTip settings applied on the RadMenuItems - if no such settings are applied, the issue cannot be reproduced. The Tooltip popup is placed over the KeyTips popup.
RadGallery is used in RadRibbonView and ListBox under the RibbonView with DeferredScrollingEnabled set to true. When scrolling the Gallery, the ListBox Scrolls unexpectedly.
If a RibbonView is used in a WPF, where the Window SizeToContent property is set to WidthAndHeight, the Window takes too much space.
Available in LIB version: 2016.3.1212
Add the ability, while holding down a modifier key (for instance ALT which triggers the KeyServices) and pressing the AccessText key at the same time, to execute the action associated with the element. Available in R1 2017 Release Please note that is it working only for KeyDown ActivationModes, not in the default KeyUp.
Allow the ApplicationMenu to be used as a stand-alone control Available in R1 2017 Release
Add MouseOver Selection states in the RadRibbonTab control Decline reason: RibbonView and its elements (including TabControl) are inspired by MS Office products. Since hovering over the selected TabItem in MS Word for example doesn't change its visual appearance it shouldn't in RibbonView as well. If your project design still requires such appearance then we highly recommend that you edit the Control Template of the TabControl in Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView assembly and add a MultiTrigger Condition (in WPF): <MultiTrigger> <MultiTrigger.Conditions> <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True"/> <Condition Property="IsSelected" Value="True"/> </MultiTrigger.Conditions> ... </MultiTrigger> or add a <VisualState x:Name="SelectedMouseOver"> to CommonStates VisualStateGroup.
There are three errors for missing icons when implicit themes are used: Resource '/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView;component/HelpIcon.png' was not found. Resource '/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView;component/RibbonGalleryCollapsedIcon.png' was not f
There is a flickering when the active ContextualGroup is changed - the RibbonView first selects the non-contextual main tab before it switches to the according contextual tab. The flickering can't be observed every time.
Open the Application menu. Open one of its submenus. Hover another button. The opened submenu will not close. Available in LIB version: 2016.3.1017
This issue occurs when the ApplicationMenu is bound. The button in the ItemTemplate of the ApplicationMenu could be both RadSplitButton and RadDropDownButton. Their DropDownContent should not be displayed downwards, it should be displayed in the RightPane ( the Content of the Applicationmenu) Declined: When the ApplicationMenu is in DataBound scenario the ItemsControl from which the ApplicationMenu inherits automatically creates ContentPresenters for each item and wraps their content. As the ApplicationMenu knows how to manage RadRibbonDropDown/Split buttons you will need to provide one of these containers as direct child of the menu. You can achieve that using the following code, to show all items as RadRibbonDropDownButton: public class CustomApplicationMenu : ApplicationMenu { protected override bool IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride(object item) { return false; } protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride() { return new RadRibbonDropDownButton(); } }