When you set the Content and the Image properties of the RadGalleryItem, they get on top of each other.
Any group or button can be right clicked and added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).
QAT should have overflow
ElementName binding is not working in RadRibbonBackstage. Reason for closing: The ElementName binding in Adorner is not supported and as the RadRibbonBackstage is Adorner it is not working there as well. Due to that framework limitation we cannot fix this issue and we will change the status of the feed back item to declined. You can find more information about the Adorner and its limitation in this article ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms743737%28v=vs.110%29.aspx ).
VS Designer trows exceptions if a RibbonTab is placed in a UserControl: If the RibbonTab control size isn't defined, the designer throws a System.InvalidOperationException - FrameworkElement_LayoutMeasure_InfinityNaNReturned. If the RibbonTab size is set, then clicking on the tab in the designer raises a System.ArgumentException - Property 'Items' was not found in the property collection 'Grid'.
Expose property controlling the RibbonGroups Header Background
The ScreenTip isn't displayed unless you define its Title property
Open the Application menu. Open one of its submenus. Hover another button. The opened submenu will not close. Available in LIB version: 2016.3.1017
Allow the ApplicationMenu to be used as a stand-alone control Available in R1 2017 Release
RadGallery is used in RadRibbonView and ListBox under the RibbonView with DeferredScrollingEnabled set to true. When scrolling the Gallery, the ListBox Scrolls unexpectedly.
The KeyTips of RadMenuItems go behind the menu when hovering over the RadMenuItem. This issue seems to be related to the ScreenTip/ToolTip settings applied on the RadMenuItems - if no such settings are applied, the issue cannot be reproduced. The Tooltip popup is placed over the KeyTips popup.
Implicit style doesn't apply on RadRibbonTabs which are added via PRISM. UPDATE: An implicit style can not be applied on derived controls as their TargetType is different than the one defined in the implicit style. Basically if you set the style implicitly, the style is applied only on the types that match the TargetType exactly and not on elements derived from the TargetType value. You can find more information on the topic in the remarks section of the Style property definition: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.style%28VS.95%29.aspx This is why in order to apply a Telerik predefined style on a UserControl deriving from RadRibbonTab, you need to add a Style targeting the UserControl type in the Resources of the application. It is best to define that style after merging the Telerik ResourseDictionaries so that you can base the UserControl Style on the predefined "RadRibbonTabStyle".
Expose a property through which the TabContentPopup IsOpen state can be programatically controlled. This feature should allow the implementation of a scenario where the TabContentPopup is opened when hovering over the tab. Declined: The current API of the RadRibbonView allow the users to control MinimizedPopup. A sample application is attached demonstrating how the Popup can me controlled
If you place a TextBlock in the QuickAccessToolbar and the Ofice_Black theme is applied you get black foreground on black background which makes the text unreadable. The content of the QAT must respect the theme applied to the RadRibbonView control.
Expose an event where the key combinations that (don't)show the KeyTips can be customized.
When the Ribbon is hosted in a RibbonWindow, the ContextualGroups are rended differently Q3 2013 release.
Posibility to use the QAT buttons when the BackStage is open
The constructor of the GroupVariantCollection is internal Reason for declining: The RadRibbonGroup uses the GroupVariantCollection internally and as there is no public property of type GroupVariantCollection there is not need for the constructor to be exposed. Also if the users wants to bind the Variants of the RadRibbonGroups they can use the VariantsSource property which is of type IEnumebable<GroupVariant>.
When Windows Classic theme is applied in Windows7 ( or when XP is used) and the WindowStyle of the RadRibbonWindow is set to SingleBorderWindow, the scrollviewer in the backstage does not work properly
In SL this scenario is only in OOB mode, with BorderlessRoundCorners.