Last Updated: 02 Apr 2014 15:13 by Ricky Wu
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
Add DataBinding Supoort for Contextual Groups / Tabs
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
Allow the QAT context menu to be extended
Last Updated: 01 Apr 2015 12:54 by Deepak
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: RibbonView
Type: Bug Report

Available in LIB version: 2015.1.0604
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by Michael
Add support for direct content of ribbon buttons (like using XAML vector graphics instead of images).
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2014 12:56 by ADMIN
When UserControls are dynamically added in the RibbonView Items collection, they are displayed as RibbonTab Headers. Instead they should create a RibbonTab collection where each control represents the content of a RibbonTab.

UPDATE: An implicit style can not be applied on derived controls as their TargetType is different than the one defined in the implicit style. Basically if you set the style implicitly, the style is applied only on the types that match the TargetType exactly and not on elements derived from the TargetType value. You can find more information on the topic in the remarks section of the Style property definition:

This is why in order to apply a Telerik predefined style on a UserControl deriving from RadRibbonTab, you  need to add a Style targeting the UserControl type in the Resources of the application. It is best to define that style after merging the Telerik ResourseDictionaries so that you can base the UserControl Style on the predefined "RadRibbonTabStyle".
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Bug Report
Currently the Backstage support keyboard navigation only if the the RadBackstageItems have their IsSelectable property set to true. The keyboard support should be extended to support BackstageItems that have IsSelectable=false.

Will be available in Q2 2015 Release.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by Steve
I assume that even though this is listed under RadControls for Silverlight it will also apply to RadControls for WPF.
Last Updated: 10 Jul 2014 12:54 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
Support easy customization of screen tip duration.
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2014 16:46 by ADMIN
NullReferenceException design-time exception is thrown in VS designer when the RadRibbonTab is defined as a root element of a UserControl.
Last Updated: 08 Nov 2016 14:45 by ADMIN
Add the ability, while holding down a modifier key (for instance ALT which triggers the KeyServices) and pressing the AccessText key at the same time, to execute the action associated with the element.

Available in R1 2017 Release
Please note that is it working only for KeyDown ActivationModes, not in the default KeyUp.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 13:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Kelly Wike
Comments: 1
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
typically users consider keys like Shift,Ctrl,ALT to be a single key even though they are on the keyboard left and right.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
When both Command and IsEnabled of RadRibbonBackstage are bound, the Command has Higher priority. This is inconsistency with the behavior of Buttons and RadButtons. The RadRibbonBackStageItems should work like RadButtons.
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2014 16:55 by ADMIN
Expose a property to control the visibility of the background behind the RibbonTab.Headers

UPDATE: The RadRibbonView's Background property can be used to set a color behind the RadRibbonTabs
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
QAT should have overflow
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:05 by Josh Holdaway
At the moment the root element of the Backstage control is a ScrollViewer and since its size is measured with infinity the controls placed inside the BackstageItems Content will be measured with infinity thus not displaying internal scroll bars. Consider changing this behavior.

The feature will be available in our official release 2015 Q1
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2017 14:01 by ADMIN
If a RibbonView is used in a WPF, where the Window SizeToContent property is set to WidthAndHeight, the Window takes too much space.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
Any group or button can be right clicked and added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:30 by ADMIN
Setting Button, TextBlock, TextBox or any other UI Element as a Header of RadRibbonGroup produces a runtime exception: The Element is Already Child of another visual.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2014 14:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Bug Report
When you set the Content and the Image properties of the RadGalleryItem, they get on top of each other.
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2016 09:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Bug Report
There is a flickering when the active ContextualGroup is changed - the RibbonView first selects the non-contextual main tab before it switches to the according contextual tab. The flickering can't be observed every time.
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