Last Updated: 14 Feb 2014 12:56 by ADMIN
Telerik Admin
Created on: 01 Mar 2013 13:35
Category: RibbonView
Type: Bug Report
RibbonView: Dynamically added controls to the Items property of the RibbonView are placed inside the RibbonTabs header
When UserControls are dynamically added in the RibbonView Items collection, they are displayed as RibbonTab Headers. Instead they should create a RibbonTab collection where each control represents the content of a RibbonTab.

UPDATE: An implicit style can not be applied on derived controls as their TargetType is different than the one defined in the implicit style. Basically if you set the style implicitly, the style is applied only on the types that match the TargetType exactly and not on elements derived from the TargetType value. You can find more information on the topic in the remarks section of the Style property definition:

This is why in order to apply a Telerik predefined style on a UserControl deriving from RadRibbonTab, you  need to add a Style targeting the UserControl type in the Resources of the application. It is best to define that style after merging the Telerik ResourseDictionaries so that you can base the UserControl Style on the predefined "RadRibbonTabStyle".