In the Office2013 theme for both SIlverlight and WPF in the latest version, the RadTabItemStyle has the Office Black for unfocussed tabs. To fix this I added the lines: <Setter Property="Background" Value="{x:Null}" /> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{x:Null}" /> Not sure if that is the right place to fix it, because in the previous version of the Office2013 theme (where the RadTabItem had the right style) those 2 lines were not present. ========================== DECLINED DUE TO INACTIVITY.
Spellchecking specific text throws NullReferenceException. Specific example would be '..)aaa' text.
ExtMap Files (for Application Caching) are missing from NuGet Separate Packages although they are included in the full package. Please include these.
We have an application that uses Maps with clustering enabled. So when we zoom in to the max, if we have many items with the same coordinates (or very very close, for example phones with GPS coords within the same house/room), they are still displayed as clustered, or when the clustering is disabled they overlap. Is there a way to show all the different pushpins inside of such a cluster?
Hi team, We are facing below list of issues with telerik test studio. We would like to know what will be the best approach to capture and run automation test cases for Silverlight web application. Using telerik test studio we have automated our Siliverlight application but some of the test cases getting fails. Sometimes it works sometimes not. 1. Test step to select an item form Dropdown/ComboBox fails. 2. New version (2015.3) of telerik test studio take longer time to start execution of test cases from Visual studio. When we execute test cases from test studio, it run faster won’t take time to start execution. 3. Today’s captured/modified test cases works fine but the same test cases we run on next/later days than it fails at certain steps. Like element not found, not able to select an item from dropdown etc. 4. Some of the test cases get fail when we schedule it but the same test case works fine we run it individually. 5. We are using TFS for source code repository, Sometimes when we open automation project in visual studio than all test case files get checked out though we have not made any changes. 6. Not able compare two different version of one test case file(if two user works on same file and one has checked in it and another one is taking latest to merge both file). Please provide resolution of these queries. Continuously we are facing these issues. Also let us know what are the best practice to work with telerik test studio for web app automation.
It should be possible when user selects multiple cells on the current view with the CTRL key to return the list of these cells with the ScheduleView method. More info here:
The current workaround is to edit the control template of the control and set the MinWidth of the PART_ListBox element: <Popup x:Name="PART_Popup"> <Grid x:Name="PopupRoot"> <telerik:RadListBox x:Name="PART_ListBox" MinWidth="{TemplateBinding MinDropDownWidth}" MaxHeight="{TemplateBinding MaxDropDownHeight}" ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding FilteredItems}" ItemTemplate="{TemplateBinding DropDownItemTemplate}" FontFamily="{TemplateBinding FontFamily}" FontSize="{TemplateBinding FontSize}"/> <Border Background="{Binding Background, ElementName=PART_ListBox}" BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="1" Width="{Binding ElementName=PART_ListBox, Path=Width}" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=PART_NoResultsContentPresenter, Path=Visibility}"> <ContentPresenter x:Name="PART_NoResultsContentPresenter" MinWidth="{TemplateBinding MinDropDownWidth}" MaxHeight="{TemplateBinding MaxDropDownHeight}" Content="{TemplateBinding NoResultsContent}" ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding NoResultsContentTemplate}" Visibility="Collapsed" Margin="5 4"/> </Border> </Grid> </Popup>
At this point not much else is known other than the stack trace. The stack trace suggests that this happens on selection done by dragging the mouse and perhaps the document is with incorrect structure.
Exception: [ArgumentNull_Generic]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
Parameter name: inline
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.RadDocument.GetContainingAnnotationRanges[TRangeStart](Inline inline, Predicate`1 filter, Boolean inclusive)
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition.get_IsPositionInSkipPositionRange()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition.get_IsValidPosition()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition.Validator.EnsureValidPosition(DocumentPosition position, Func`1 shouldSearchForward)
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Selection.MouseSelectionHandler.UpdateSelectionAndCaretPosition()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Selection.MouseSelectionHandler.RegisterDocumentMouseMove(Point position, SourceType source)
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.DocumentPresenterBase.HandleMouseMoveOnPosition(Point position, SourceType source)
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.DocumentPresenterBase.Owner_MouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(UInt32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args)
at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName, UInt32 flags)
Here is the error:
Invalid XmlnsDeclaration occurs in assembly 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=2018.3.1016.1050, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7'. XmlnsDeclaration references a namespace 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.MultiColumnComboBox' that is not in the assembly.
It is reproducible only in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.