The Title of the RibbonWindow is not vertically centered, when RadRibbonWindow.IsWindowsThemeEnabled is set to True. Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1312
There is a memory leak in RadRibbonView when it is hosted in a TabControl.
Convert the interfaces and base classes (i.e. non UI specific logic) to a portable library. We intend our solution to share Models and View Models between WPF and Silverlight (and more in the future). Our intention is to use Portable Libraries to achieve this. The biggest issue we have is down to the Telerik assemblies. Classes and interfaces that are shared between WPF and Silverlight could/should be in a PCL assembly.
Will be available in Q1 2016 Release.
When you try to scroll the tabs in the tabstrip the scrollviewer is scrolled to its start
The RibbonWindow chrome is not rendered correctly(the chrome is black) after we change from a windows7 aero theme to classic.
When I use Shift+Ctrl+Z combination in MaskedTextInput, corrupted symbols appeared in the field. I know that Ctrl+Y combination use as the forward command. But in another program (Photoshop) I use Ctrl+Z and then Ctrl+Shift+Z combinations, and sometimes I use it habitually in MaskedTextInput and see corrupted symbols. (Many people can also use it habitually). When i use it nothing should happen or should be a step back.
The RibbonWindow Title glow effect is remove when the theme is changed dinamically
The RibbonView TabStrip ScrollViewer is displayed unexpectedly when there are inactive ContextualGroups.
Constantly growing instances of EventHandler<TouchEventArgs> in real time data virtualization examples. Resolved with 2014.1.414.
The RadRibbonView Title and ApplicationName are not displayed when the RadRibbonView is placed inside ScrollViewer with HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
Compress/decompress of specific file using streams can be wrong when the compression level is specified to Deflated.
SelectedCells collection is not updated correctly after GridView's ItemsSource changed
When the groups of a RadRibbonTab are collapsible the scroll is shown just before the groups collapses.
When the RadRibbonView ItemsSource is populated with RadRibbonTabs and one of the tab items IsSelected property is set to True that item no longer can be selected.