Last Updated: 30 May 2022 12:51 by ADMIN
Release R3 I1 June 2022

Describe the bug
When we have a NumericTextbox with formatting set to "p1", "p3"..."pX"(percentage with X decimal numbers) the component is not working correctly when we try to manually enter a value in it.

  • The issue is replicable when you select the content of the component and delete it, before entering a new value. If there is a value in the NumericTextbox and one just selects it and changes it, the issue is not replicating.
  • The issue is not replicable if you use a formating of "p", without a decimal numbers definition

To Reproduce

  1. Open this StackBlitz example
  2. Select the value in the NumericTextbox and delete it(The NumericTextbox should be empty)
  3. Try to enter 5.75

Expected behavior
The user should be able to manually enter a value by pressing "5" + "." + "7" + "5"
