Last Updated: 18 Oct 2023 08:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Eunbyul
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Hello Team.

I appreciate grid's reorderable function work at Nuxt3(@kendo-vue-grid: 3.14.2).

But For some reason, this function doesn't work properly. so I report a bug.

I reproduce a stackblitz code.

I implemented it like this,

After fetching(=GET) column data from the server, reorder the columns using kendo grid's reorderable function and save(=POST) it on the server.

I call columnExecute function, so server refetch(=GET) column data.

at /pages/index.vue, colums ref change rightly.

at /components/grid.vue, columnList ref change rightly.

But rendered kendo grid's column doesn't change.

please check this issue. 

