Last Updated: 18 Jul 2023 04:34 by ADMIN

In our project we control column widths manually as we have complex logic on how wide each column should be, based on a number of external criteria. However, those widths are not fixed and might change during the lifetime of the data grid.

This was not causing any problems up to version 5.11.0 but after we upgraded the Kendo packages this controlled behavior of the column widths broke:

kendo-react-grid v5.11.0 example (working):

kendo-react-grid latest example (broken):

If we inspect the elements of the data grid, we can see that there is an inline style attribute on the header and body tables, setting the total width of those <table> elements to the sum of its columns. However, that value is not updating after the initial mount as it was prior to v5.12.0 which effectively makes the column widths uncontrollable.

Under Review
Last Updated: 17 Jul 2024 01:55 by ADMIN

We use data grids with virtual scrolling for inline editing a large number of records. However, when we want to add a new row to the grid it automatically resets the scroll position and doesn't even fire onPageChange event so the records you see do not correspond to the scroll position.

Check the following example (scroll to bottom, click anywhere on the table - this will add a new row - and observe the described problem):

Last Updated: 17 May 2023 13:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Kristiyan
Comments: 1
Category: Data Grid
Type: Bug Report



Seems the link to the GridColumnMenu accessibility page from the DataGrid accessibility page is broken. 

Our tools are also warning us about empty links, caused by the GridColumnMenu button. How would we solve these?

Thank you,

Kristiyan Dimitrov


Last Updated: 14 Jul 2023 07:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Valery
Comments: 1
Category: Data Grid
Type: Bug Report

The issue can be seen on your demo at


1) Load the demo from

2) Click on (x) in customerID grouping 

3) Look at the console and see the line with exception: 

The problem is that `` is an svg object and it's className property is an object, not a string. The object is `SVGAnimatedString {baseVal: '', animVal: ''}` and it doesn't have the method indexOf.


Please fix asap.