Last Updated: 28 Aug 2018 10:20 by ADMIN
Currently there is no way to pass custom rendering component into header template (in jQuery version there was headerTemplate). For example, you are exposing headerSelection prop, but what if I want to render fancy Material UI checkbox there. Currently I do not have ability to do that with native react flow.
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2019 07:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
In Panelbar , when we set expandmode set to 'single' it do not toggle the item . it only works with expandmode 'multiple'. 

We should also allow to toggle a panelbar item in 'single' mode 
a use case could be -i want to close all of the items in single mode
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2022 05:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Luuk
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


It would be great if the 'allDaySlot' property on the Scheduler component could be added to the Reactjs version. We would like to hide the all day slot on our scheduler but currently this isn't possible.

Kind regards,

Last Updated: 09 Mar 2022 08:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Arvind
Comments: 6
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Is the Chunk upload for file is not there for react. I Could find the chunk upload option for Jquery and Angular but not for react.

Is it not available yet/ when can we expect that?

Last Updated: 08 Jun 2023 06:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Camelia
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request



Using KendoReact Scheduler component the functionality to group the events by date, then by resources is not supported. I can only group them by resources first, then by date.
This feature exists in 
Kendo for jQuery Scheduler component and can be configured by setting the property to true as following:

 group: {
    date: true,
     resources: ["Rooms"]

resulting in something similar as in the picture below.

We need the same functionality in KendoReact Scheduler component as well.


Last Updated: 18 Dec 2023 12:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Ramkishore
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Good Morning Team,

Ability to select columns and generate charts in spreadsheet like excel spreadsheet.
Insert charts, images in the spreadsheet similar to excel spreadsheet.



Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:53 by ADMIN
Please add a possibility to customize Kendo UI Grid for React pager text like "Page ... of ...." or "... of items" or to pass own strings.
Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:22 by ADMIN

I know there you gave me an example of how to do this with custom code - is there a reason this can't be built in?   It's important and is a pain to custom implement when using custom editors for the cells




Last Updated: 05 Apr 2024 21:20 by Amit
Created by: Patrick
Comments: 8
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

The KendoReact Spreadsheet component has been released.

There are a few features that are missing compared to the jQuery version, and filtering rows based on column filters is one of them. 

Until this feature is added (along with context menus), we won't be able to use the Spreadsheet component for what we need to build, so we will have to continue wrapping the jQuery component. The object provided by the spreadsheet ref can filter programatically based on the (undocumented in KendoReact's docs) `range.filter()` method, but this would take a lot of time to implement what the jQuery version already has.

Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:51 by ADMIN
Please, add a possibility to integrate inline edit in Kendo UI Grid for React (@progress/kendo-react-grid, 0.3.0) with ReduxForm ( and/or FinalForm ( which will make easier work on validating data and more uniform code style for form validation (as packages mentioned above are the de facto standard in working with forms in React-Redux applications).
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Shannon
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hello support team,

Can you please provide an example in kendo react to upload > crop > save cropped image. My use case is that user should be able to choose, crop and save their profile photo.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 21 Sep 2021 07:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Ruslan
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

I can't find anything on your website or on the internet that explains how to navigate a Kendo React ListBox control using the keyboard.

Can you point me in the right direction on this issue?


Ruslan Lyga

Last Updated: 15 Aug 2019 07:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Glen
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


Please build a React Diagram component similar to

Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 12:09 by ADMIN

Currently, the Scheduler events are always placed between the beginning and the end of a slot, no matter if the event actually starts or ends at the slot times. So if an event for example starts at 10:10, the event is placed at the 10:00 slot line and not a little further down below, or if it ends at 11:50 the event end is placed at the 12:00 slot line. I'm talking here especially about the WeekView and the DayView.

This is not accurate enough for some events. Like for example in MS Outlook, if a event doesn't start at the full hour, the graphical representation shows it according to the start time and not at the full hour (see screenshots). We would like to request to make it possible to place events on the Scheduler so that the graphical representation of the event reflects the actual start and and time.

While I was able to calculate a margin for the event start to move it to a more accurate position, it was not possible to also set the height of the event to a calculated positition because the Scheduler doesn't allow this. According your support (see here), an event always has to end at a full slot time and can't be placed somewhere else. Calculating these things on our own brings a whole lot of other problems though (like placing overlapping events correctly, etc.) so that it would be great if the Scheduler had a setting to allow exact positioning according to times.


Last Updated: 28 Jan 2020 10:15 by ADMIN

Our old application uses ASP.NET MVC Scheduler component which has GroupHeaderTemplate features to customize header rendering and add customization for following two functional features.

We are migrating applications to React. It seems like React Scheduler does not support GroupHeaderTemplate. We need the following two capabilities on custom rendering:

1. Customize rendering of resource group header & cell for vertical orientation of groups.

2. In the case of multiple groups, need the ability to make groups collapsible/hierarchical (like tree view nodes)


Need Terlik's guidance to achieve these two customizations on Kendo React Scheduler.



Last Updated: 27 May 2021 16:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Marco Antonio
Comments: 13
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Add floating labels on the DatePicker and DateTimePicker.
Last Updated: 18 Jul 2023 04:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Fabian
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Despite having a similar intention (typing and selecting), the components MultiSelect and ComboBox look and behave quite differently:

  • The ComboBox has a button on the right side and only opens when this button is clicked or when the user types in the input field.
  • The MultiSelect has no such button but opens when clicking inside the input field.

It would be great if the MultiSelect component also has a button on the right and only opens when the button is clicked or when the user starts typing in the input field.

Last Updated: 31 Mar 2022 06:53 by ADMIN
Allow setting a number of records to be pre-rendered in the Grid with virtual scrolling. This will allow rendering some records at the bottom and on the top of the visible records to improve the performance.
Last Updated: 19 Feb 2019 12:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
As in the JQuery version, it would be good to have the option of setting min screen width for grid column like below.
Last Updated: 10 Nov 2023 14:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Kevin
Comments: 4
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

I would like to request a mode for the Kendo React Date and Time Inputs that would allow the use of a mask like that of the MaskedTextBox - allowing the user to type freely without having to make use the arrow keys for each individual date/time part.