Bug report
Regression with 2023.1.314
PanelBar dataItem() method does not return the data item
Reproduction of the problem
1. Open next Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/EjIQaSaL
2. Select an item from the Panelbar and expect the console
Expected/desired behavior
panelBar.dataItem(".k-item:first"); shall return the data item
Kendo UI version: 2023.1.314 or newer
jQuery version: x.y
Browser: [Chrome XX]
When the PanelBar is configured in MVVM the contentUrls does not take effect
The contentUrls does not take effect and no content is loaded in the PanelBar
It should be possible to use contentUrls in MVVM scenario.
We are working on enterprise product, which uses Progress Telerik jQuery KendoUI components extensively purchased by our Company. In which Kendo PanelBar is used in many modules of our product.
Now a days we are working on Accessibility (i.e. keyboard and screen reader) as part of out-of-box feature of our product.
The Kendo Panel Bar has been made accessible so that it can be navigated using the keyboard arrow keys, once it receives focus via Tab Key.
We have created small example on dojo.telerik.com (i.e. which can be referred on https://dojo.telerik.com/@chiragvidani/EBEPUnoY/3) to explain issue faced by us, when accessing via Screen Reader. Please find issues below:
Secondly when referring WAI-ARIA practices on www.w3.org website (i.e. https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/accordion/accordion.html), we found some differences as explained below:
Kindly help us with your assistance.
Chirag Vidani