The following configuration works only on Chrome (and Chromium based Edge):
The result on IE 11 and FF:
When exporting large content to PDF using the DrawingAPI it takes much more time in Chrome 100 version compared to Chrome 98 or Chrome 99.
The file is exported for about 7-8 seconds with Chrome 98 or 99 and for more than 13 seconds in Chrome 100.
There should be no performance issues when exporting large content to PDF in Chrom 100. The issue can be replicated also when using a lot of textareas for example.
When there is a textarea DOM element in a page that is about to be exported to PDF file, the text of the textarea is displayed two times in the exported PDF document. This happens when the papersize property is defined for the kendo.drawing.drawDOM.
The text in the exported textarea is doubled. The exported file will look like:
The content inside the textarea should not be doubled, but appear as it is displayed in the browser.
Exporting textareas with kendo.drawing.drawDOM method causes Internet Explorer to throw the following error:
"A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab"
Add multiple textareas in a form. Try to export the form by using the kendo.drawing.drawDOM().
Sample project in ticket ID: 1484320
In IE occasionally the following error is thrown: "A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab"
There should be no error when exporting textareas with drawDom method.
From package "@types/kendo-ui": "2020.1.0" i found;
class Connection extends Observable {
options: ConnectionOptions;
dataItem: any;
from: kendo.dataviz.diagram.Shape;
sourceConnector: kendo.dataviz.diagram.Connector;
targetConnector: kendo.dataviz.diagram.Connector;
to: kendo.dataviz.diagram.Shape;
constructor(options?: ConnectionOptions);
The constructor is not correct, it has to be like all example you propose:
Please correct typings as soon as possible, it drives me in a use that doesn't works