Last Updated: 13 Jan 2021 14:40 by ADMIN

The pager feature is a nice addition, but it could be enhanced with the following additional options which would help if there are a lot of pages to scroll through:

  • Add an option to move to the next/prior set of pages.  For example, if 10 pages are showing and you are on page 1 it would jump to page 11, page 12 would jump to 22 (and display pages 11 - 20), and so on, or if going backwards 39 would jump to 29 (and display pages 20 - 30), and so on.
  • It would be nice to enter a specific page number to jump to and hit Apply or OK to go directly to that page so you don't have to jump through numerous pages you don't care about (especially when there are hundreds or thousands of pages based on the current number of rows showing).  So if I wanted to jump to page 654 pages 651 - 650 would be displayed with 654 selected).
  • It would also be nice if there was a way to display the total number of pages (to make the page jump more manageable).  This would require making a call to determine the total number of pages based on the rows in the database and number of rows displayed per page or otherwise updating the value - and not displaying a total if the value returned was null.