It would be great if it was possible to use templates with an expansionpanel. In my case would like to add an icon preceeding the title of the expansionpanel. Template support would be great as it adds more flexibility.
Bug report
Еxpanding/collapsing nested panels collapse the parent panel as well
Reproduction of the problem
Can be replicated in the following Dojo:
Current behavior
Collapsing or expanding a nested panel collapses/expands the parent panel
Expected/desired behavior
Collapsing/expanding the child panel shall not collapse/expand the parent
Kendo UI version: 2021.1.119
Browser: [all]
When a Kendo UI ExpansionPanel is nested within another, and the initial expanded configuration is set to false, the panel will not open the first time it is attempted. When the widget is initialized, it searches for all expand icons in the expander's wrapping element, which in this case would include the icons of the inner expanders. Thus, when a user clicks on an outer one, you also affect the inner ones.
The Kendo UI ExpansionPanels do not open the first time clicked.
The inner expansionPanels should open as expected.
Can be reproduced in the official demo: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/expansionpanel/api
1. Click on "Expand"
2. Try to Collapse by clicking on the Panel
-> Panel does not collapse, but gives a short animation and expands again.