Last Updated: 23 Feb 2024 13:43 by ADMIN

Bug report

Zooming in on a large image loaded in the ImageEditor results in poor performance.

Reproduction of the problem

A sample application is available in ticket 1595292. Run the application and zoom in on the top ImageEditor.

Current behavior

Zooming in takes too much time.

Expected/desired behavior

Zooming should be faster.


Issue is possibly related to the check on whether an image is exportable - link. A possible workaround is to bypass the check:

      kendo.ui.ImageEditor.fn._toggleTools = function () {
            var that = this,
                canRedo = that.redoStack.length > 0,
                canUndo = that.undoStack.length > 0,
                hasImage = !!that._image;

                redo: canRedo,
                undo: canUndo,
                enable: hasImage,
                canExport: true, // Avoid checking if image can be exported. Causes performance issues.



  • Kendo UI version: 2023.1.117
  • Browser: [all]