Last Updated: 04 Feb 2022 08:53 by ADMIN

Bug report

When a string that could be evaluated as a Date is used in the Form, a DatePicker is rendered instead of TextBox

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo linked here

Current behavior

The fromData for the first field is set as string 'TextBox1: "12/11/1969"', however, the '12/11/1969' could be evaluated as a Date. Thus, the From displays a DatePicker although the field is not explicitly casted to Date.

Expected/desired behavior

When the value is not explicitly set as a Date a TextBox should be rendered in the Form.


var MyModel ={
              fields: {
                  "TextBox1": {
                      type: "string"
                  "TextBox2": {
                      type: "string"



  • Kendo UI version: 2021.2.616
  • Browser: [all]