Is there any example for a jquery button changing the component inside the form?
For example
1. press a button > add a new input row in the form
2. press a button > change the component in one row in form
Expose a clearButton API configuration that will remove or add the clear button from the Form
Currently, in order to omit the Clear Button from the Form, a programmatical or styling approach should be embarked. However, based on demand, client would find it more intuitive if this operation can be performed through a built-in configuration.
<script> $("#myForm").kendoForm({ formData: { ID: 1, Name: "Ivan", Address: "Sofia" }, clearButton: false, }); </script>
Please support the plain TextBox as a valid editor within form configuration. There are times when I would like to put a number into a plain textbox and apply custom code to that rather than use a NumericTextBox.
{ field: "uploaded", label: "A Label", validation: { required: true }, colSpan: 3, editor: "TextBox" }
It will be good to have a method in the Form API to get or set the Form model. For example, it could be:
var form = $("#form").getKendoForm();
var model = form.model();
Hi Team,
I would like to request adding a simple checkbox into the items.editor instead of just the switch. This would be great if the k-checkbox-label was also included with the editor.
Currently I have a solution in which I can create a checkbox editor, but it could be so much better if I didn't have to write an extra editor function for a simple checkbox.
Thank you for your consideration
A Form group label encoded option cannot be set to false.
The HTML is not decoded
The HTML in the text configuration should be decoded
Hi Team,
I would like to request that when the Kendo UI Form submits a checkbox boolean value to pass as True/False instead of On/Off. Currently, I am using a custom editor which will perform the true/false submission.
Thank you!
Please add support for nesting groups in the form-control.
As written on your page https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/form/groups nesting of groups is not supported.
As we are developing a highly configurable software we have the need to edit properties of json-objects via UI for the needs of our customers. A schema for validating fields and so on exists, but unfortunately we cannot use "form"-Control because the objects do have nested objects in multiple hierachy levels.
Therefore nesting of groups would be really great.
When a string that could be evaluated as a Date is used in the Form, a DatePicker is rendered instead of TextBox
The fromData for the first field is set as string 'TextBox1: "12/11/1969"', however, the '12/11/1969' could be evaluated as a Date. Thus, the From displays a DatePicker although the field is not explicitly casted to Date.
When the value is not explicitly set as a Date a TextBox should be rendered in the Form.
var MyModel = kendo.data.Model.define({
fields: {
"TextBox1": {
type: "string"
"TextBox2": {
type: "string"
Expected result:
Actual result:
Just add return before "validator.validate();" in method "validate".
Please document an example of editor as a function.
A simple example could be a password field: https://dojo.telerik.com/@GaloisGirl/ARIGOmUj
It would be great if the form configuration allowed for items to be readonly or disabled during setup. There are times when perhaps some data should not be able to be changed.
I'm having to do tricks such as this for each field I want readonly.
$("#originalFilename, #title").kendoTextBox({ readonly: true });
When a form creates a group it uses a fieldset. It would be great if this fieldset could have an id or class so it can be manipulated easily.
Whilst I could write code to find the Nth fieldset and modify it, it would be much cleaner to allow an id to be set on it.